4/17 Eleanor AMPS 265 +5 258 Question

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Julie and Eleanor (GA), Apr 17, 2012.

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  1. Julie and Eleanor (GA)

    Julie and Eleanor (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2012

    I want you all to know how thankful I am for all of you and the advice you give.
    I'm going to be aggressive in raising Eleanor's dose, this is her 4th cycle on 2u, and as you can see, she still isn't moving.
    I'm still not understanding why she came down, briefly, before with dose increases, but now she's not??
    After she gets to decent numbers, then I'll see if I can try for remission or just keep her at acceptable numbers. One step at a time?!

    I apologize for the meltdown yesterday. I'm just worried about Eleanor, she's been my baby girl for a long time and I want her to be better and I'm very scared that she will get DKA.
    My 17 year old HyperThyroid cat was supposed to get her bloodtest last month but I still don't have the money, I'm not going to be able to get her med if it isn't done, plus she isn't quite "right" and I'm worried about her. My mom passed away 11 years ago, and I have her 17 year old cat who has CRF among other problems, she's not doing well and I think her time is short and I'm struggling emotionally with that and to have the money for a nice presedated euthanasia for her, plus I tried to turn the cooler on and it shorted out and I'm trying to figure out how to get that fixed before the temps hit 100+, and my own health problems equalled a meltdown :oops: .
  2. Anne & Zener GA

    Anne & Zener GA Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2011
    (((((Julie))))) No apology needed. We all understand how hard this is, just dealing with FD. Then on top of everything else... sometimes it's just too much. I would encourage you to post as often as you can, whether you have a question or just an Eleanor update. We want to know how she and you and your other kitty are doing. I think you will find the emotional support to be very helpful. I know that we do. :D
  3. Pumbaa

    Pumbaa Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2012

    Hi neighbor (I'm in Mesa)!

    I'll pray that your Eleanor's numbers come down! I've only been dealing with this for 2 weeks now, and Pumbaa has only been on the juice for 6 days, but I know how frustrating it is because your want your beloved furry friend to feel better, do better, immediately! Everyone keeps reminding me about being patient, and how this is not a sprint it's a marathon, etc. I keep trying to remember that but I'm an instant-gratification type of person. *LOL*

    Anyway, thank God for these boards! I am so thankful for all of the advice and support that I have received here!
  4. Amy&TrixieCat

    Amy&TrixieCat Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2011
    Hi Julie-

    Liz is right...no need for apologies, and lean on us whenever you need to! LantusLand is a very special place, and even though we know you wish you didn't have to be here, it IS the best place to be. We're all here for you!!!

  5. Daphne#5 GA

    Daphne#5 GA Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2011
    Julie, I wish I had more ideas for you as to how to be ill and have kitties that are also ill. It's not an easy life, I know, and I wish it could be different. I try to deal with what I have been dealt, but I can't say I don't wish for a magic wand to drop out of the sky. :roll:

    I apologize, last night I said I thought you should go up to 2u and I see that you are already there. So I guess you are going to do the 6 cycles on the 2u and then raise it, if her numbers don't come down?

    I'll send you and Eleanor some good luck vines and white light for better days soon.
  6. Michelle and Mannie (GA)

    Michelle and Mannie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    I so agree - no need for apologies. I think we all have been there at one point or another. we all know and understand the fear, and the frustration. all we want is for our furkids to feel better, be happy kitties. we are all here for each other, so no worries on any of it. We all just take it one step at a time. I hope that you will post as often as you can. We all want to now how Eleanor, and your furkid family, is doing. Just posting can sometimes be the best support that there is, whether it be about Eleanor, or the other kitties. I wish your other kitties well. It is tough when they get older... all mine are senior cats - I can so understand what you are dealing with. It is hard to say why they respond to insulin the way they do: up days, down days, and just no movement at all. It is all just part of the sugar dance, and takes alot of patience.. hang in there - you will find the right dose for Eleanor. :D

    I hope you have a great evening!
  7. Marje and Gracie

    Marje and Gracie Senior Member Moderator

    May 30, 2010

    I read your condo from yesterday and I'm glad so many people came to give you support. So the issues are the syringes and dosing accuracy and testing. As you know, I use the MJs and I have problems with the accuracy because Gracie is so sensitive to a drop difference. I bought a digital caliper and am trying to use it and see if it makes a difference but I think everything is going to have some subjectivity and wobble factor. So....you do the best you can.

    I think I would try taking her up every six cycles per the TR protocol until you see some decrease in her numbers. You do test as much as others on the TR protocol. If you could at least get her to a breakthrough dose, that would really make you feel better.

    We are a support group and we've ALL needed emotional support....every single one of us hits rock bottom in this sugar dance....all of us. So come here and vent....we'll understand and support you.
  8. MelanieAndRacci

    MelanieAndRacci Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2010
    Hi Julie,

    I'd love to help you with your testing issues. Please let me know what issues you're having and let me see what I can suggest for you.

    We all melt down some times so have no worries about itl No need to apologize. You have no idea how many times the people here have kept me sane. :lol: Just post even to vent. It helps. We've all been there.

    Melanie & Racci
  9. julie & punkin (ga)

    julie & punkin (ga) Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2011
    hi julie. i'm so sorry you're feeling so discouraged. this is a hard thing to cope with, and you've got health problems on top of it.

    here's my two cents worth.

    you're doing the best you can. unless eleanor is uber-sensitive, like a few of our cats, the difference in syringes and markings may not matter. until you see evidence that it does matter to her, let that issue go. draw up the dose and shoot. i always have the urge to double and triple check the syringe and have decided i'm just making myself nuts doing it. i don't see eleanor as being super-sensitive, fwiw.

    i agree with the 6 cycles and increase by .25u plan. stay with that for a while and let's see how it goes. you are already testing more than enough for the TR protocol.

    i also agree with the "you don't have to go for remission" thoughts by sienne. if you can get to a dose where she settles in below 200, that's good enough.

    for today, my best advice to you is to give yourself a pat on the back. if you weren't doing this, eleanor would've probably been gone by now. you are helping her immensely, and you don't have to do it perfectly. although i think you ARE doing a super job. i find hindsight to typically be kinda cruel - we always pick out how we could've done things better.

    when i can, i think it's better to just press on and don't look back. :YMHUG:
  10. Sienne and Gabby (GA)

    Sienne and Gabby (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Jeez. You call that a meltdown? That was barely a thaw.

    A word or two on DKA. Some cats are, in fact, prone to develop ketones. So far, since this hasn't happened with Eleanor, it doesn't seem to be the case. FWIW, what Gabby was diagnosed, she was one sick kitty -- pancreatitis, hepatic lipidosis, and DKA. However, that was the one and only time she's had ketones. We've been very lucky. There are others here who have had to be very vigilant and test for ketones routinely. There are situations where the risk for ketones, especially in a cat that is prone, is increased. Higher numbers + not eating + infection all add up to an increase risk. While some cats can develop ketones with numbers in the 200s, I don't think this is the case for Eleanor. It also doesn't seem like she has an infection or is "off" her food.

    Rather than make yourself crazed worrying about ketones, get a test whenever you can. The Ketostix are the best early warning system you can buy.

    With regard to your hyper-T cat, is there any way you can work out a payment arrangement with your vet?
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