3/22 Tiki - AMPS 80, PMPS 101, +4 59,

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Tonya and Tiki, Mar 22, 2012.

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  1. Tonya and Tiki

    Tonya and Tiki Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2011
  2. Sienne and Gabby (GA)

    Sienne and Gabby (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/22 Tiki - AMPS 80 Change to dose???

    Providing there are no ugly surprises before your PMPS, I think you know what time it is! Here are the OTJ instructions:

    • Test at your normal AMPS and PMPS times. Feed multiple small meals throughout the day as much as possible (small meals are less likely to overwhelm a newly functioning pancreas).
    • If your cat is green at your normal test times, no need to test further until the next "PS" time, just feed small meals and go about your day. If he is blue, feed a small meal and test again after about 3 hours. If his number is lower 3-4 hours after a meal, then his pancreas is working!
    • After 2 weeks, if everything is looking good, we have a party!

    Sometimes the trial doesn't work the first time and we have to give a little more support in the form of resuming insulin. It's not the end of the world if that happens, we just give him the support he needs. Our goal is a strong remission and it's better to take our time to get that than to rush into remission just to have it fail later on.
  3. Anne & Zener GA

    Anne & Zener GA Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2011
    Re: 3/22 Tiki - AMPS 80 Change to dose???

    Paws crossed here!
  4. PeterDevonMocha

    PeterDevonMocha Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/22 Tiki - AMPS 80 Change to dose???

    Hi guys .. wooooot wooooot! How exciting!! Keeping fingers and paws crossed it all goes well .. have a great day!
  5. julie & punkin (ga)

    julie & punkin (ga) Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2011
    Re: 3/22 Tiki - AMPS 80 Change to dose???

    that makes today Day 1!

    better shout it out, loud and proud! everyone will want to count down and celebrate with you!
  6. CD and BigMac

    CD and BigMac Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/22 Tiki - AMPS 80 Change to dose???

    Hey, Congratulations!


    I'll send you a PM shortly with more information. :D
  7. Dyana

    Dyana Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/22 Tiki - AMPS 80 Change to dose???

    Happy Day One!
  8. Tonya and Tiki

    Tonya and Tiki Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    Re: 3/22 Tiki - AMPS 80, PMPS 101, AGAIN he is back in the b

    I am going to finish today with a shot and go without tomorrow.

    Should I be concerned at all with these two higher numbers from yesterday and today? He was green all week and last night he showed up in the blues and same thing tonight. ANNNND he barely ate anything all day - his bowl is still 2/3rds full from this am.

    ALSO what are the GOOD numbers. I think he should be in the greens all the time but I guess blue is ok too????

    Should I hold off on taking him OTJ until these blues go away? (biting my nails....)
  9. Dyana

    Dyana Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/22 Tiki - AMPS 80, PMPS 101,

    I think normal non diabetic numbers are from 50 to 120, so I think that 101 looks very very aqua colored to me.
  10. Libby and Lucy

    Libby and Lucy Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/22 Tiki - AMPS 80, PMPS 101,

    how about starting the trial on his next green preshot? That will make you more comfortable.

    In answer to your question, "normal" numbers are considered to be under 120. Usually we like to see the cat pretty much all green for at least 7 days on 0.1 before starting an OTJ trial. A low blue here and there is no big deal.

    Sometimes when they are at this point, the insulin seems to drive them a bit higher if they don't need it anymore, almost like a teeny little bounce. He dropped nicely after last night's shot. Besides, if you start a trial and it doesn't work, no big deal, some cats make a false start or two before hitting a trial that sticks. That's why it's called a trial. ;-)

    Hopefully Tiki will be green in the morning and you'll feel comfy starting a trial. :mrgreen:
  11. Tonya and Tiki

    Tonya and Tiki Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    Re: 3/22 Tiki - AMPS 80, PMPS 101,

    Aqua! I LIKE THAT! Ok tomorrow it is....green, blue or aqua!

    Let the nail biting commence.... nailbite_smile nailbite_smile nailbite_smile nailbite_smile nailbite_smile nailbite_smile nailbite_smile nailbite_smile
  12. Tonya and Tiki

    Tonya and Tiki Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    Re: 3/22 Tiki - AMPS 80, PMPS 101,

    I haven't said this lately and feel I really should....

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone for all of your help through all of this....I can only imagine the vet bills had you not been here for me with all of your knowledge and encouragement. Tiki thanks you too as I am sure this would have been much less agreeable with numerous trips back and forth to the vet had it not been for all of you.

    Ok, enough of the Oscar speech...back to work I go (I played hooky all day and went to see the Cherry Blossoms in DC before the rain hits this weekend and knocks them all to the ground). By far, they are the best thing about living in DC!!! Will try to share some photos over the weekend when I have more time.

    XOXOXOXOX's to all!!!
  13. thebigfuzz

    thebigfuzz Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2012
    Re: 3/22 Tiki - AMPS 80, PMPS 101,

    Go Tiki!!!

    All the best in your OTJ Trial!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    @CD and bigmac - lol at the photo :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. julie & punkin (ga)

    julie & punkin (ga) Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2011
    Re: 3/22 Tiki - AMPS 80, PMPS 101,

  15. Jill & Alex (GA)

    Jill & Alex (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/22 Tiki - AMPS 80, PMPS 101,

    thinking green for tomorrow morning...
    good luck! :mrgreen:
  16. Tonya and Tiki

    Tonya and Tiki Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    Now he's at 59! Crazy cat, all ovah the place! :dizcat
  17. miso00

    miso00 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2011
    Glad to see another nail biter nailbite_smile
    Good luck with the trial and don't forget to breath!
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