2/14: Esse AMPS=248 +2=290 +7=240 PMPS=256 +2=293

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Michele and Esse, Feb 14, 2010.

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  1. Michele and Esse

    Michele and Esse Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Daily digest:
    AMPS=248. Wellness Beef/Chix out, shot 2.75U
    PMPS=256. Wellness Beef/Chicken out, shot 2.75

    Morning, LL! Lots of love to everyone today!!

    Esse is at 248 this morning...I am hoping we see some good numbers today! Most P's are in order, although I haven't caught her playing just yet. 'Course, I just woke up, so she may have been playing all night. She did crawl onto the pillow next to me last night; that was delightful (and fairly rare).

    Sienne, I don't know why she wants to wait on the dental; but she does. When we talk tomorrow, I will ask that, and go from there. I think, though, it's because of her bouces and wide variations in BS that we're still having. I will check tomorrow, though...

    I'm willing to work with her, though. She is familiar with the Tilly protocol, and is willing to work with me, too. Both of those things are really important to me, considering all the craziness I've gotten from other vets. I will be testing as normal, just not telling her. LOL...

    As for me, I'm going to spend most of the day/morning at the barn...gonna ride my heart out, and then bathe the big Handsome, and then groom him...just spending time and relaxing with him is going to be so nice.

    I hope everyone has a great day - lots of love on this Valentine's Day to everyone!

  2. Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA)

    Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/14: Esse AMPS=248

    Morning Michele...congratulations on a successful vet visit yesterday! :thumbup
    I am in agreement with Sienne about the dental.. It's important to do now because infection can raise BGs ...so if the mouth is taken care of, regulation has a better chance. I doubt you can have regulation with infections going on...

    Esse started the day with a nice AMPS...hope you enjoy you time at the barn...oh, and Esse will be coming to Shadow's party tonight, right? We are hoping that all the kitties can come and dance away the winter blues....happy Valentine's Day!!! :D
  3. Michele and Esse

    Michele and Esse Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/14: Esse AMPS=248

    Esse told me she was planning on attending the party...I told her she needed more exercise, so she said dancing would be good. LOL. I will ask again about the dental...tomorrow, when the vet and I talk. We'll see what her reasoning is, and go from there.

  4. carolynandlatte

    carolynandlatte Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/14: Esse AMPS=248

    Sounds like you are in for a WONDERFUL day!

    Enjoy! :thumbup
  5. Michele and Esse

    Michele and Esse Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/14: Esse AMPS=248 +2=290 +7=240

    I love my horse. He was a handful today, though...first day of really nice weather, and he wanted to run, run, run...which normally I'd let him. Of course, normally, I'm not on his back when he's pretending to race, either. LOL. Bless him...it was a wild ride there for a few minutes, and then he got it out of his system...and we worked really hard on some maneuvers (a half-pass: going sideways while going forward) and lead changes (where he swaps one front leg for the other in mid air; kinda like hopping). We got the halfpass, and a few lead changes, but lead changes are hard for him...so I let it be good with just three. Then he got a solid shampoo scrub, conditioner in mane and tail, and braided up...fed a scrumptious grain-and-treat lunch, and put up. Turned out three other horses, fed two more, and cleaned everyone's stalls, too.

    Now, I'm just tired. LOL. But I came home to Esse being a happy, mid-200s, and I just can't complain. She got a few nibbles of cheese from my lunch, and is happily sitting on top of my stinky shirt which is laying on a box at the moment. She loves the teeshirts I wear to the barn - something about the smell and the horse-snot appeals to her; not me, but definitely to her.

    And now, I'm gonna take a nap...and then clean and study tonight.

  6. Blue

    Blue Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/14: Esse AMPS=248 +2=290 +7=240

    Hey Michele,

    Esse loves your smell. Anything of yours that has your body sweat is just like having you with her.

    Whenever I come home from the gym, Shadoe takes my sweaty gym socks and lies on them and rolls around and rubs them all over her face. Yeah, she is weird, but Esse is just loving your smell.

    It's great to hear she is doing so well and I hope she dances up a storm at the party
  7. Michele and Esse

    Michele and Esse Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/14: Esse AMPS=248 +2=290 +7=240

    How cute with Shadoe...maybe it is that. But I also think it's the horse smell - I've brought home saddle pads and blankets, and she sprawls on them and drools and makes pitty paws on them...and while there's sweat, it's horsesweat, not Bean sweat. She's too funny...

    So, as of PMPS, she's 256. Either we're gonna have a lot of action after this flat cycle, or we've dropped nicely and will maintain that for a while...I hope it's just we've dropped a bit, and will hold here for a bit...and then drop again. Not sure why she does this, but she's done it before...so hopefully, she'll do it again.

    As for the party, Esse's got her love-shoez on, and is wanting to dance the night away...

  8. Amy and Six

    Amy and Six Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/14: Esse AMPS=248 +2=290 +7=240 PMPS=256

    Just laughing at the discussion of gross smells that cats love...cracking me up tonight.
  9. Sienne and Gabby (GA)

    Sienne and Gabby (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/14: Esse AMPS=248 +2=290 +7=240 PMPS=256

    Of course, Esse may have been a barn cat in one of her nine lives. It sounds like you had a wonderful day today.
  10. Michele and Esse

    Michele and Esse Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Amy, a good, clean horse sweat smell is wonderful...*I* like it, so it stands to reason Esse would. I love the smell of a barn - not a barnful of cows (eeewww...), but a horsebarn. Something about that is really, really wonderful to me. Makes me relax just sniffing it.

    Sienne, she may have been a barncat in a former life...she just does adore anything I bring in from there. I have my riding boots which she will guard against defilement by the kitten (he likes the laces), against takeover from other kitties, and she'll give me a dirty look when I go to put them on...LOL.

    And yes, Sienne, I had a wonderful, absolutely perfect day. From start to finish, it was relaxing and I enjoyed it so much. I needed a day like today...needed it badly. And even though Tango gave me a bit of grief, he got over himself and got to working and just being the wonderful boy he is...

  11. Amy and Six

    Amy and Six Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Michele - hope I didn't offend by my comment. Not my intent...when Gayle was talking about gym socks, you about horse sweat...it made me start thinking of all the "different" (should have used that word instead of gross) smells my kitties like and made me laugh. I have one who will practically sleep with his head in my smelliest shoes. I grew up around horses, but unlike you I never did come to fully appreciate the smell of a horsebarn. So my apologies if I did offend.
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