2/12: Esse AMPS=348 PMPS=352 +2=320

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Michele and Esse, Feb 12, 2010.

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  1. Michele and Esse

    Michele and Esse Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Daily Digest
    AMPS=348. Wellness Beef/Chix out, shot 2.75 U.
    PMPS=352. Wellness Beef/Chix out. Shot 2.75U. Hm...flat cycle...

    Morning, LL!

    WCR: Just fine. Since I managed to fall asleep at 8, and didn't get up until just now...I have no idea what happened last night. All I know is that I have no headache this morning, and that is wonderful - and I have a whole 4 days to myself!! WHOOP! So I will be able to curve Esse, and see what's happening on this dose. How cool is that??

    WBR: the yellows yesterday were really nice...so instead of supremely frustrated, I'm now neutral...not yet hopeful, but still, not as frustrated as I've been. And I'm feeling better about school, too...it's amazing what a good night's sleep will do for smeone, yhou know? I'm still tired, but no longer blown out. And I woke up with civvies Ollie next to me on the pillow, Mal suckling my earlobe and sprawled over my back, and Simon snugged up right next to me on the other side. All were purring, warm, and soft...what a great way to start Friday!

    This weekend's plan - sleep, clean house, curve Esse, ride my horse. :razz:

  2. Ronnie & Luna

    Ronnie & Luna Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/12: Esse AMPS=348

    Nice to hear you are feeling better, how can u not with all those kitties all over u :lol:
    have a good day!
  3. Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA)

    Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/12: Esse AMPS=348

    Glorious 4 days to you Michele...hope Esse's numbers will come down today for you! Enjoy!
  4. Michele and Esse

    Michele and Esse Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/12: Esse AMPS=348

    I cannot tell you how nice it was to get enough sleepus...I've already washed some dishes, vacuumed the hallway and part of the bedroom, and am tackling the laundry as we speak. I have NO headache, and no pressure in my sinuses...and while I still feel a little "sick", it's nothing like yesterday. I think a day of rest - today - will serve me well. And!! I will be able to get Dad's dinners done and over to him, and they will be good ones, too...not the slap-dash stuff I threw together last weekend...I'm going to roast a chicken, make a pot roast, and make some lasagne for him, so at least he'll have enough decent dinners throughout the coming week (I don't know if I mentioned it, but if I don't make his dinners, he tends to eat tortillas and cheese, or order out Chinese or pizza...all quite salty, and he has kidney issues and congestive heart failure {among other things}...). But at least he'll have good food this coming week...and how nice is that! And hopefully, I'll have a chance to actually build the kitty condo I recieved 2 weeks ago...give the cats something to climb on and play on - it's 74 inches tall.

    And Esse will get a curve done...she will be at the vet's tomorrow morning (I think - I may want to reschedule for Monday...), so I want to have a current curve done for the vet. She is currenty r&r'ing behind the computer monitor. LOL, that's a spot she really, really likes...

    WOOT! Here's to actually having energy!!

  5. Michele and Esse

    Michele and Esse Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/12: Esse AMPS=348 PMPS=352

    Flat, flat am cycle...I wonder where she'll go tonight?

    WCR: she seems just fine. Ate well, sitting here preening now...wrestled the kitten a while ago. All good...all good.

    WBR: finally caught up on rest. YAY. Now, to exhaust myself riding tomorrow - Monday. LOL.

  6. Amy and Six

    Amy and Six Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/12: Esse AMPS=348 PMPS=352

    Michele - so good to read your condo tonight! Now...go to bed at a decent hour tonight (Esse, please cooperate) so you continue to heal and feel better. What a day you've had today...can't even imagine what the next three days will bring you!
  7. Michele and Esse

    Michele and Esse Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/12: Esse AMPS=348 PMPS=352

    I am planning on going to bed at 9 tonight...I still am feeling exhausted and worn thin. Much better than this week, but still...a little "on the edge", if you will. So it's early to bed for me, and hopefully I can get a good long sleep again...and then spend the day at the vets and then at the barn...how lovely to not have to go/do/be anywhere for a few days...

    Esse is being a good girl - she's at 320, so I feel like I can go to bed without too much worry. Quite likely she'll dip into the yellows, and perhaps even blues, but I'll leave enough food out and it will be all right. I wonder what her AM numbers will be??

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