2/11 Basil PMPS=76 +2=81 +3=84

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Lydia--(Rosie & Basil) GA, Feb 11, 2010.

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  1. Lydia--(Rosie & Basil) GA

    Lydia--(Rosie & Basil) GA Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Good morning Lantus Landers!


    Basil seems fine this morning, although he's still put out by the snow. (We got only about 6 inches but the world is white.) He left most of his overnight food, but he was playful and happy before I went to bed.

    Should it make me nervous at all that his numbers haven't settled down to where they were on his previous dose? I do realize that the drop from 0.25 to 0.1 is the biggest percentage ever and I am ready to be patient.

    Wishing much green and blue for all the kitties of LL!

    I've started a Shutterfly Share site with some pet pictures that I hope to be able to finish later today. I guess I will add the link to my siggy. Rosie and Emmet say since I talk about them, they want to be seen.
  2. Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA)

    Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/11 Basil AMPS=119

    Morning Lydia! I notice that Basil's PMPS is lower and I think it is because you give him a snack 4 hours before.
    While you leave out the 1/2 can during the night, you don't really know when he actually eats it. (or do you have an idea at what time he finishes that snack? )

    When my Raja had higher AMPS and PMPSs than I wanted to see, I made sure I did her tests 4 hours after eating and got into the routine of feeding her at +8 each night. If Basil is eating that food at +10 or so, the AMPS will reflect the food spike, right? That's the only thought I had when I looked at his SS. He is doing so well....don't worry! :YMHUG:

    Food really changes the BGs and you can use it to help the pancreas out. His numbers are all healthy, healing numbers so that is fine.
    He comes down at +4 after eating,, right? that shows that the pancreas is kicking in and working. I don't like to talk about how I set my alarm and get up every morning at 4am to test and give my two snacks... :roll: But I will say it here and now. that's what I do... :lol:
    I don't test Raja anymore at 4am but I do test Shadow...I have automatic feeders all ready for when he is OTJ (How's THAT for positive thinking!! :lol: :lol: ) and I will give them snacks at the same time without my having to actually get up and test anyone.
    :lol: I figure that will be in about 5 years, give or take a few months.... :lol:

    BTW...Basil looked so dashing in his white suite and shoes a the party last night....he was so magnificent looking...honestly...what a hunk! He had all the little girl kitties swooning as he took turns dancing with each and every one of them under the disco ball....that was quite a hit tooII It gave such a festive atmosphere and the dancers all looked so great! that was great that he brought that...can he bring it to every party from now on? I took a picture of it before the kitties kicked me out... :lol: No Beans allowed to stay for very long!
  3. Randi & Max (GA)

    Randi & Max (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/11 Basil AMPS=119

    Well Lydia, maybe his AMPS was higher today because I heard he was the life of the party, in his white suit, lol. Max was a bit jealous you know. You think orange is so last year??

    Joking aside though I agree with Pat. I also leave food out at night, have the 3 cats
    and I don't know when Max might have finished the food so possibly it is in that 2 hours frame and it's a bit tainted with a food spike.

    I have a feeder that grandpa brought home last week. It's sitting in the kitchen with
    bowls in the slots but I have not gotten around to using it yet.

    Basil still is looking terrific though, that handsome man that he is.
    Looking foward to seeing more pictures of Rosie and Emmet too.
  4. Lydia--(Rosie & Basil) GA

    Lydia--(Rosie & Basil) GA Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/11 Basil AMPS=119

    Hi Pat, Hi Randi,

    Thanks for your thoughtful comments.

    Basil eats at AMS, AM+4, AM+8, PMS, PM+3 and then there is the food left out overnight.

    When he is tested, we always test first and feed later.

    Generally, we pick up his overnight food bowl at PM+10. Last night, because my husband got up at PM+9, he removed the bowl then. IOW, an hour early. And he had eaten maybe 1/3 of the food. I leave a total of 1/2 can FF in 3 frozen cubes out overnight. So, I guess what I am saying is I doubt it was food last night.

    Pat--now, now. It only FEELS like 5 years! I'm going to copy that remark and post it in Shadow's OTJ party thread when the time comes. (Antijinx!)

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  5. Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA)

    Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/11 Basil AMPS=119

    :lol: I LOVE that picture of Basil!!! AWESOME!!! now you can understand why all the little girl kitties
    went totally GA-GA over him!!! :lol:
    SO great!!!! :lol:
  6. Lydia--(Rosie & Basil) GA

    Lydia--(Rosie & Basil) GA Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/11 Basil AMPS=119 +4:15=73

    Oops! I was a little late with the +4 and got a +4:15, which was a lovely 73.

    Basil wasn't all that interested in his +4 mini meal. Perhaps because it was turkey and giblets. But he continues combing his hair on front of the mirror and purring, so I think last night went to his head.
  7. Roni and Moonie

    Roni and Moonie Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/11 Basil AMPS=119 +4:15=73

    Beeootiful numbers today--Moonie swooned from that picture!! Whoo Whooo :mrgreen:
  8. Sarah and Buzz

    Sarah and Buzz Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2009
    Re: 2/11 Basil AMPS=119 +4:15=73

    Great number, Basil, and what a handsome photo! No wonder I heard you were the heartbreaker of the party last night. ;)
  9. Helene & Tizon

    Helene & Tizon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2009
    Re: 2/11 Basil AMPS=119 +4:15=73

    Nice disco kitty in this condo!
    I was hoping to go back and see why the dosecrease on the 7th, but you didn't have yesterday's news to today's condo and I didn't have the time to dig thru all the posts.... do you recall why the dosecrease?

    Basil is still mostly green, but there's still a touch of bloo in there.... sometimes the curve is invested too.... hmmmm... puzzling.
  10. Lydia--(Rosie & Basil) GA

    Lydia--(Rosie & Basil) GA Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/11 Basil AMPS=119 +4:15=73

    I cannot BELIEVE I forgot to link to yesterday again. I copy the address to do it every single time. Sigh.

    Here is is:
    Yesterday's Condo

    Off to do a +8 and feed, and then I will look up why exactly the dose change happened.

  11. Lydia--(Rosie & Basil) GA

    Lydia--(Rosie & Basil) GA Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/11 Basil AMPS=119 +4:15=73 +8:20=89 (Helene?)

    Well, I was late on +8 t00 (20 minutes, but still late!) but Basil gave me a nice 89.

    Note that he did not very much of his +4 minimeal today, but after his +8 test, he ate that minimeal plus most of the last one. He didn't eat much of his +4 minimeal yesterday either. I wonder if I should just cut it out.

    Would it be easy enough on his pancreas to feed at AMS, AM+6, PMS, PM+3 and the overnight cubes? Maybe I will bring this up in Health and see what people say.

    Helene, If you go to Basil's condo of Feb 6 you will see the discussion that led to the dosecrease.
  12. Helene & Tizon

    Helene & Tizon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2009
    Re: 2/11 Basil AMPS=119 +4:15=73 +8:20=89 (Helene?)

    Hi! Sorry.... I certainly did not mean to put you on the spot... let me have a look!
    Thanks for posting the link.

    Snacks are very good for Mr. P.... but wasting food is never good. Just find something that works for you and for Basil, that's all!

    Now I looked at it; great! Thanks.... I can't visit a lot of condos per day so sometimes, it's not obvious, but tis good... tis all good! I'll be quiet now! :lol:
  13. Lydia--(Rosie & Basil) GA

    Lydia--(Rosie & Basil) GA Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/11 Basil PMPS=76

    Wow! This was a surprise--PMPS=76. We have shot at this type of number many (okay, several, and it's been a while!) times before, so we did it again. But I think I will be getting a +2, just to be on the safe side.

    Recap of the AM:

    Helene, thank you for looking. You didn't put me on the spot at all. If I only had a memory!
  14. Lydia--(Rosie & Basil) GA

    Lydia--(Rosie & Basil) GA Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/11 Basil PMPS=76 +2=81

    I feel good about this +2 of 81. (Although when I first saw it, i thought it said 8 and I nearly passed out. )
  15. Lydia--(Rosie & Basil) GA

    Lydia--(Rosie & Basil) GA Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Now, I ask you--how's that for purty?

    Food, cubes, bedtime for beano!
  16. Sienne and Gabby (GA)

    Sienne and Gabby (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Bedtime for beano -- how funny is that?

    Great numbers for Basil tonight.
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