2/10: Esse PMPS+10=351 AMPS=374 PMPS=331.

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Michele and Esse, Feb 10, 2010.

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  1. Michele and Esse

    Michele and Esse Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Daily Digest:
    AM PS:374

    Morning, all.

    SS,DD...at least I don't have a headache this morning. Too tired for one. LOL.

    Esse seems to be just fine - M/T/W I don't have a lot of time for observation, but she seems to be her normal self...and while I am worried, I have to look at the whole cat; if I didn't know her numbers were high, I'd say she's acting normal for her. So that's good, at least.

    Thanks for the encouragement and camraderie yesterday. PATIENCE is definitey what's missing in my success recipe...I just want her better, and I want her better NOW. LOL....

    Hope all is well with everyone.

  2. Ronnie & Luna

    Ronnie & Luna Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/10: Esse PMPS+10=351

    Glad ur feeling better, maybe time for u to rest up and have some "you" time.

    Esse will get it, and as long as she's feeling fine and being a kitty she will be ok! Have faith in that and wear your patience cap :D

    ((hugs)) I wish you a good day Michele!!

    by the way, are u having trouble accessing ur ss? your last fill-in's were on 02/08
  3. carolynandlatte

    carolynandlatte Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/10: Esse PMPS+10=351

    Awwwww, Michelle! :YMHUG:
    I just read your yesterday post and Im sorry you are frustrated. I wish there was something to make it easier. *sigh*

    When ever I get frustrated or have had enough of ALL the various things thrown at Latte ...and me...I try to ask myself - what is she trying to teach me through all of this? I swear she is sticking around to teach me SOME important lesson.

    Esse is teaching you something right now....and it is valuable!
  4. Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA)

    Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/10: Esse PMPS+10=351

    Hi Michele...hope your day went ok....tell Miss Esse that all the kitties are going
    to Latte's party....no use sitting around staring at their own numbers...they wanna par-tay!
    Woo-woo.....tell her to catch a moonbeam and meet Raja & Shadow there at the celebration!
    It's gonna be great! :mrgreen:
  5. Michele and Esse

    Michele and Esse Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 2/10: Esse PMPS+10=351

    What a horrible day...just rough at the hospital to say the least. And I have an exam in the morning I haven't even read the book on yet. Sigh.

    Esse, however, is at 331...which is lower than her PMPS+10 and AMPS. Maybe this is an indicator that we will see some action soon - I hope, hope, hope so...and yes, Carolyn, I know she's trying to teach me something, and I am trying to learn, but man...it's tiring to learn...LOL.

    I'll get over myself...I'm just frustrated and tired and worn a tad thin. Someday, that won't be the case, and I'll be fine again. Someday.

  6. Barbara and tuffy

    Barbara and tuffy Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Hang in there! Patience Grasshopper. You have a lot on your plate and Esse is trying. You will get there but not necessarily on your schedule. We have all been in your shoes.
  7. Michele and Esse

    Michele and Esse Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    you know what, Barb...it doesn't have to be on my schedule. Just someone's schedule...right now, I think we're just winging it. LOL.

    Yes, I do have a lot on my plate right now; and Esse is trying her best. It's just sometimes I want to pound my head in frustration...it's just hard and tiring. I'll get back to myself soon enough - some time set for the barn this weekend, and won't that be nice!!! - and hopefully, the next rotation in OR won't be quite so difficult...it will be a bit less paperwork, that's for sure, but in two weeks, I'll be right back at regular floor nursing. It'll come right, it always does...but I'm really tired right now, and whining. :) Hey, at least I know it, right?

    Hugs, Barbara...thanks.

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