1/30 Meowzi AMPS 249, +3~215

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by WCF and Meowzi, Jan 30, 2010.

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  1. WCF and Meowzi

    WCF and Meowzi Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    LONG-timer checking in :razz: (For an explanation of that, see the last paragraph in our novella from last Caturday).

    WCR remains good. Purry. Interested. (for details, refer to the same novella). Not as hungry ... we tried a little experiment that we will probably call off this or tomorrow evening. She had eaten fairly decently in the last 12 hours of her last mirtz cycle - even finished her lunch - so we thought we'd skip her mirtz Thursday evening and see how she did. She did pretty well, until this morning when I've had to get on my knees and beg her to eat again. She took two hrs to finish her breakfast this morning, vs the usual one hr. So I guess she'll get her dose of happy pill soon, 48 or 72 hours late (is a good thing!) We are encouraged; there may be a little appy in the furry fluffy body trying to assert itself.

    We've also decided to start tracking the effects of the first, second, third and fourth quarters of her happy pill - I started wondering this week if exposure to air after it's cut degrades the pill and weakens its effect. The fourth quarter isn't dosed until 12 days after it's first cut.

    BG-wise, we're meandering on. Or more like bouncing on flip_cat flip_cat flip_cat Discounting the full moon, her BGs don't seem to be much worse after taking that dosecrease on 1/20. The beans are clueless as to what's going on confused_cat confused_cat (but what's new about that :lol: )

    For her next check-up with vettybean in mid-/end-Feb, I'm asking for an extra film in addition to her chest rads, which are due. Want to check on the progression of the arthritis in her hips/legs. I'm preparing to again raise the possibility of starting her on gabapentin for her arthritis. The VIN pharmacologist had expressed concern over its use b/c of her uremia, but DH and I have discussed it, and we have agreed that it may soon be time to try it. We are keenly aware that we may not have many years left with her, and we don't want those years to be painful ones for her; her comfort will be our primary consideration. (It also helps that one of the possible s/e of gabapentin is polyphagia ;-) ) And no, we're not planning to bury her anytime soon, we're just being realistic.

    On a cheerier note, we are one week closer to spring than we were a week ago :D I keep telling her it won't be long before she gets to go strolling again; she is really looking forward to it.
  2. Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA)

    Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Sweet Meowzi....spring will have her strolling around in the fresh air and that will be
    so wonderful.... :mrgreen: Hope you all have a great day....(love your WCR all the time....so thorough and detailed. Sweet!)
  3. JaniceandSpike

    JaniceandSpike Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Spring will be here before we know it. Ive noticed it staying lighter later in the day, which is wonderful to see.
    You are such a devoted bean to Meowzi, its just amazing.
  4. chriscleo

    chriscleo Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    i know we get chewed out for extrapolating the human experience to the cat, but i've been on gabapentin for 6+ years now for nerve pain and it literally gets me thru the day. (and for some strange reason my cats are attracted to the capsules so i have to hide them well.)

    i appreciate the fact that it's supposedly fully excreted by about 8 hrs in the human tho when we reached the dosage that best subsided the nerve pain it exacerbated a lack of focus/concentration i suffered from anyway since being concussed in a bad car accident. i've read that the problems focusing/concentrating are a side effect of gabapentin but my neurologist didn't believe it until we started tapering the dose.

    anyway, just to let you know to look out for that side effect but otherwise i think it's a wonderful med and endorse it highly.
  5. Michelle and Doodle

    Michelle and Doodle Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    "her comfort will be our primary consideration"

    I would expect nothing less...
    You are such wonderful beans.
    Love to Meowzi!!!
  6. Linda and Bear Man

    Linda and Bear Man Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Happy LONG timer day! You sure keep track of a lot of variables. That's an interesting point about the efficacy of pills which have been cut. A bit scary actually, as I often cut a week's worth of pills at a time to expedite our medication routine. I give at least 5 different meds which involve cutting pills. I will be interested to hear how the gabapentin works out. I hope Groundhog Day predicts an early start to stroller season.
  7. Kim&Luck

    Kim&Luck Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Ahh, spring sounds so wonderful. Meowzi was the very first kitty I saw with a stroller. I'll never forget it, it was so cute! Glad to hear that Meowzi is doing well, despite her bouncing #'s. ;-) You are an A+ bean that is for sure!
    Hugs to all,
    Kim & Luck
  8. Nina and KB

    Nina and KB Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Ooh, am anxious to hear how the gabapentin goes. It was the first thing my vet had asked about when I mentioned adequan, since she had only used that with dogs. Chris mentioned capsules - I don't know why but I expected it to be another injectible.

    Am anxious for stroller weather myself. We got a surprise snow today, I think we must have been on the edge of it.
  9. Cyn and Cosmo

    Cyn and Cosmo Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    It is as it should be... putting princess's comfort and QoL before QUANTITY of life. One of my biggest fears is that I overtreat for selfish reasons, instead of doing what is best for my furries.

    Can't wait for the next installment of Meowzi's stroller videos!
  10. Jen and Oreo (GA)

    Jen and Oreo (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Awww, overall a nice Miss M report. And agree, QoL is much more important than quantity!
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