1/29 Morris AMPS 399; +8 248; PMPS 68; +1 115; +2 149

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Gwen and Morris, Jan 29, 2010.

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  1. Gwen and Morris

    Gwen and Morris Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    yesterday: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4328

    I am having computer difficulties last night & today, so I can't update my ss right now. I can tell you that last night, Morris PMPS was 301, and his +2 last night was 364. I know we discussed a couple days ago about this dose may not be holding & I am thinking that it is time to go back to 1.5u and was hoping to get some advice/thoughts from people here!

    WCR: Morris ate all his food again last night! I think he is getting used to the reduced calories! LOL! All P's are working just fine.....his purr motor was even a bit louder than usual this morning as we were having our snuggle & scritch time before his BG poke!

    I will attempt to get onto my ss from my work computer later today & update it.

    TGIF! drinking24
  2. Fleapunk

    Fleapunk Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 1/29 Morris AMPS 399 - dosecrease time??

    I wish I could get used to reduced calories!

    Well, it looks to me like you have room for a bump up. I vote yes and others will be around to either agree with me or to call me crazy. :mrgreen:
  3. kate and lucky

    kate and lucky Member

    Jan 3, 2010
    Re: 1/29 Morris AMPS 399 - dosecrease time??

    Hi Gwen,

    it's possible you had 2 reductions very close together. Often you get carry over action from a dose, so reducing when kitty isn't really ready for it.
    I am a tad surprised though as you did actually miss a shot.

    But as Tilly protocol points out, if dosecrease doesn't hold go back to last good dose.

    It is important to get a before bed sc so you have an idea where kitty is headed.

    Was the 19th Dec the last time you changed your cart?

    As for food intake, are you worried about Morris's weight? I went by what Lucky looked like. She was a free feeder and never overweight. She ate between 3-400g per day.
  4. Gwen and Morris

    Gwen and Morris Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 1/29 Morris AMPS 399 - dosecrease time??

    OK....was able to update ss here at work. I am not sure if it is my computer or Google Docs which is causing me difficulties at home right now! Everything else appears to work fine on my home computer, but yesterday & this morning I was having difficulties with Goole Docs! Anyone else having troubles with them?

    I do that....that is usually the +2 reading on his ss.

    Yes.....it is getting low & almost time to change again. I have to go away for a weekend in a couple of weeks & Morris will be staying at the kennel.....I am thinking of changing the cart soon & keeping what is left of this cart to send with him for his weekend getaway! That way, if they mishandle the cart in any way, it won't be a big deal as I will toss it when he comes home.

    Morris is now at his ideal weight (he was hugely underweight when first diagnosed) & I want to keep him where he is at! I don't want him to gain any more weight. Plus, he wasn't always finnishing the food I put out for him, so I decided to research how many calories he should be getting. Now that I am feeding him what he should be eating, he is eating up all his food!
  5. kate and lucky

    kate and lucky Member

    Jan 3, 2010
    Re: 1/29 Morris AMPS 399 - dosecrease time??

    Ahh got you on the sc's.

    Does look like a dosecrease is in order.

    Google docs does seem to occasionally have gremlins-I've had problems with it tonight. Just cleared out my event log and seems ok again(have no idea if this was the reason why!)

    Can see your thinking on the Lantus-bear in mind the age of it.

    That's cool on the food side,

    this visual chart might help too;
  6. Gwen and Morris

    Gwen and Morris Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 1/29 Morris AMPS 399; +8 248 - dosecrease time??

    Now with this nicer +8 reading, do we still think he needs to go back to 1.5u or do we think his ugly numbers lately have been the result of him still bouncing?
  7. Gwen and Morris

    Gwen and Morris Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 1/29 Morris AMPS 399; +8 248; PMPS 68!!!!!

    Well, he is doing it yet again! It seems that every time I am about to increase his dose again, he throws a low number at me!!! I was all set to put him back to 1.5u tonight & he gives me a 67!! I was so shocked, I waited 15 mins & retested.....I got a 68!!! I thought about it for a minute or two, then decided to go ahead & give him his 1.25u insulin since I have shot at lower numbers before & because I am now home for the evening & will keep an eye on him!
  8. Chris & Mally

    Chris & Mally Member

    Dec 31, 2009
    Re: 1/29 Morris AMPS 399; +8 248; PMPS 68!!!!!

    Looks like Morris had other plans about his dose. :smile:
  9. Sienne and Gabby (GA)

    Sienne and Gabby (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 1/29 Morris AMPS 399; +8 248; PMPS 68!!!!!

    Aside from the fact that our kitties read their condos and know when you're planning a dosecrease, I think it's going to be hard to increase without mid-cycle numbers. I'm wondering whether Morris has had some lows mid-cycle and is bouncing back up by AM/PMPS.
  10. Gwen and Morris

    Gwen and Morris Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 1/29 Morris AMPS 399; +8 248; PMPS 68; +1 115

    Well, at least he is coming back up nicely! I will get a +2 as well just to make sure though!

    That is what I started thinking earlier this afternoon when I saw yellow! I can only do mid-cycle checks on weekends.....so you know what I'll be up to for the next couple days!!
  11. Gwen and Morris

    Gwen and Morris Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    YAY! Still climbing at +2! I-) I was prepared to stay up with him tonight if I needed to, but I am glad he is doing fine on his own! I am heading to bed now! See you all in the morning!
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