1/22 Morris AMPS 557!!!

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Brenda and Morris, Jan 22, 2010.

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  1. Brenda and Morris

    Brenda and Morris Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Thank you so much for stopping by last night....it's a comfort to know your eyes have been on our situation. To answer a couple of questions...he had an fPLI test on 9/29/09 when he had a series of vomiting episodes...the test result was 2.2. He had xrays and ultrasound around the same time....should he have new ones now?

    Morris is what you call "very fractious", must be held in the vulcan death grip to just listen to his heart, even in a weakened state. Fortunate that he has no front claws! He's not easy to test and usually has to be gassed....he was a bit better this time around.

    I'm glad to hear that you don't agree with the "consistency" thing...it sounded bogus to me too but sorta made sense if she said feed only a soft diet but I was telling her he is eating the hard stuff. Speaking of which, his BG is skyrocketing because of the dry food....how much can I safely increase his insulin temporarily to try and get it down? I am home 24/7 with him so can watch but, because he's not eating very well, might have a problem bringing up a low number to avoid hypo.

    I will go and get copies of his tests today and put a copy on here. His bloodwork has always been unremarkable, with all reading well under the higher ranges, except for eosinophil.

    Another question if I may....I am giving Morris the metronidazole through transdermal gel on his ears. I pilled him for 3 days until it arrived but it was a struggle and wasted twice what actually went in. How long do you think it should take to see some results from the metronidazole, ie the liquipoo starts to firm up a bit? Dr. Lisa says that the TD method doesn't get the serum levels up high enough, the lab and my vet says it takes a few days but eventually does....who to believe????

    I sincerely hope you are feeling better these days, Jojo, and hope your doctor visit today turns out OK.
  2. Barbara and tuffy

    Barbara and tuffy Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Hope Morris feels better today. The AMPS may be from the dry. You are feeding dry aren't you. Just so long as he eats. I'm sure someone can help with dosage during the dry phase. Good luck, all crossed for Morris.
  3. Brenda and Morris

    Brenda and Morris Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    In answering Jojo's post, I forgot to include an update on Morris today. ohmygod_smile He is feeling a lot better, getting more and more feisty. He is also eating the old dry food that he has been off of for 6 months or more, not a whole lot but enough to skyrocket his BGs! He had another liquipoo around midnight, awaiting todays gift. Peeing ALOT...he is also drinking ALOT....because of the dry food and the high numbers. At least I can be sure he's not dehydrating.

    Morris loves the transdermal gel treatment....he gets both his ears washed and fondled so what's not to like??? cat_pet_icon He is a little put off by the latex glove I'm wearing but once I start rubbing the ears, he's purring and lovin it.

    Vet suggested last night that I have a feeding tube put in...I've done that before a long time ago and it worked out OK so I'm not adverse to the idea...I just don't feel it's the right thing for Morris right now. Maybe with a different vet, I don't know. Just don't feel they have been THAT responsive. grr_red I may either change vets within the practice or look for another practice. Thing is, this is the best one around so maybe changing to the original vet who owns the practice would be the best idea....he's hard to get an appointment with but might be worth waiting for. I will see what they say when I go over to get test papers today.

    And last, but not least, I left the insulin out on the counter overnight...is it toast??? confused_cat Might be hard to tell with the high numbers Morris is running. What next????
  4. Barbara and tuffy

    Barbara and tuffy Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Some drink more and pee more with the pred.
  5. Sienne and Gabby (GA)

    Sienne and Gabby (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    A couple of thoughts...

    Have you tried feeding Morris baby food? Most cats love the stuff. It's not a complete diet (e.g., it doesn't have taurine) but it will get food into him. You want the variety that contains only meat and broth (no onions or seasonings) -- usually a Stage 2 type. Right now, anything you can do to get him interested in wet food will help to get is BG back down.

    I've found that when I have a question about a medication, calling the pharmacy at a vet school is a great resource. The pharmacy staff are great about looking up answers if they don't know. The last time I called, the pharmacist actually put out a message on a vet pharmacy listserv. Your question about the transdermal flagyl may be just the kind of question that they like to play with!
  6. Blue

    Blue Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    What good news to hear Morris is improving. Tough about those high numbers, but once the dry food is gone again, it will be better.

    And as for an ear rub, what kitty DOESN'T love that??
    Actually I usually rub both Shadoe and Booboo's ears quite often; they love it.

    See if you can at least have the other vet take a look at Morris' file and hopefully something will catch the vet's eye and an exception could be made for you to come in soon. Hey, it's worth a shot! Just ask if they can ask the orig vet to give the file a look-see, then you can call and find out any feedback or suggestions.
    It could be possible to get some suggestions that you can try while waiting for an appt with the orig vet.

    When it comes to MY kitty, I don't care what rules I break, just so long as MY kitty gets seen to :D
  7. Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA)

    Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    I think the insulin will be ok....as long as it wasn't in direct sunlight or frozen...
    I think it will be ok....
    Sending hugs and healing vines across the miles to you and Morris.....
    maybe the freeze-dried chicken from Petsmart will entice him to eat his canned FF...
    Thinking of you ((Brenda))
  8. Amy and Pedro

    Amy and Pedro Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Brenda, sounds like you're getting some forward steps.
    I agree that you should see if you can have a consult with the "vet that owns the practice". If they care about you and Morris they'll do it. And if they won't - you've got your answer.

    How you holding up!
  9. Heather and Jasper

    Heather and Jasper Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    ((((Brenda and Morris))))
  10. Brenda and Morris

    Brenda and Morris Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Not sure this will work, but here are his lab results.
  11. Brenda and Morris

    Brenda and Morris Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Morris must be really sick...he turned up his nose at the freeze-dried chicken as well as the baby food (chicken and rice). I got him some low carb EVO dry food...he didn't want that either so I mixed it with the old Science Diet and he picked out the SD and left the EVO. Looks like he may be getting syringe fed again tonight as he's not eating enough of even the SD.

    No additional liquipoos today yet and his BG was down when I last tested...to 440...can't believe I'm thinking that's good! Everything is relative.
  12. Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA)

    Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Sorry I sent you on a wild goose chase for the freeze-dried....I really really thought it
    would work...you have tried everything ((Brenda)) so sorry that it wasn't the magic enticement....
    I have nothing beyond that. I never heard of a kitty refusing, but you tried at least...
    Hopefully Jojo will be back to check out the report...looks good on the post...good job!
    Surprised he is eating the dry in a way....really surprising...at least he is eating guess.... :sad:
  13. Roni and Moonie

    Roni and Moonie Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    BRENDA--Hope sweet Morris bounces back tonite or tomorrow--I tried to find you today--didnt see your post & was out..
    Snowflakes & Healing vines to Morris--Please Please get better!! :YMPEACE: :YMHUG: :YMHUG:
  14. Sienne and Gabby (GA)

    Sienne and Gabby (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Did the vet interpret these results for you? The creatinine levels may be causing the diarrhea and inappetance.

    Please keep a very close eye on ketones. The high BG and infection could be a set up for DKA and the high potassium is suggestive of electrolytes being effected.
  15. Brenda and Morris

    Brenda and Morris Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Thanks for taking a look...I value your input!

    The vet "interpreted" the results that they were all normal or as expected...I will call tomorrow to question the high values that she didn't mention on the intial call. I am trying to catch a urine sample to test for ketones but, even though he is drinking and peeing alot, I can't seem to catch him in the LB.

    His PMPS of 405 is a bit lower than the last two preshots so the increased dose may be filling the shed...hoping Jojo stops in (or anyone else who might know for that matter) and tells me how high I can go with the insulin to counteract these high numbers caused by feeding the old dry food. Anyone who doubts that the dry food effects the numbers bigtime has only to look at Morris' numbers since I have allowed him to eat it again. No wonder I was able to shoot 11u of N for so many years while he was eating Science Diet Light!

    I am mixing the old dry with the new EVO low carb dry but he is sly and picks around it. Maybe in the dark during the night he won't be able to tell....ha ha, yeah right!

    What can be done about the electrolytes....is there a Gatorade for cats???
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