8/08 Harley: AMPS=59, PMPS=94--AM shot chat??

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Sherry and Harley, Aug 8, 2010.

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  1. Sherry and Harley

    Sherry and Harley Member

    Apr 30, 2010
    Good Morning!

    Yesterday's News

    Well, so far, so good (oh geez....as I'm typing this, she's barfing up her breakfast...scarf and barf is sometimes a menu favorite!). Anyhoo, just stopped to give a little more food...will feed again in 30 minutes.

    I'll say this, she's nothing if not consistent now!! What a turning point! At some point we'll need to discuss tomorrow (i.e., weekdays, when I have to go to work).

    I hope everyone has an amazing day!

  2. PeterDevonMocha

    PeterDevonMocha Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 8/08 Harley: AMPS=59

    I just have to say that harley's SS looks BEAUTIFUL!!! I just love all the green!
  3. Sherry and Harley

    Sherry and Harley Member

    Apr 30, 2010
    Re: 8/08 Harley: AMPS=59

    Thanks! You too....looks like Mocha's having a great day!!

  4. CD and BigMac

    CD and BigMac Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 8/08 Harley: AMPS=59

    Well, HELLO!! I think somebody threw a switch and turned on Harley's green light! Amazing.

    I hope you own a magnifying glass because I think soon you will need it to measure her doses. :mrgreen:
  5. Michelle and Mannie (GA)

    Michelle and Mannie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 8/08 Harley: AMPS=59

    WOW, and awfully nice!
  6. Sienne and Gabby (GA)

    Sienne and Gabby (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 8/08 Harley: AMPS=59

    Harley's numbers are gorgeous!

    Gabby was on N briefly as a result of her being hospitalized on a vet ICU when diagnosed. Once back under the care of my regular vet, we switched to Lantus. Her comment about N was that it was good for dogs and not so much for cats. Harley certainly seems like she would agree.
  7. Sherry and Harley

    Sherry and Harley Member

    Apr 30, 2010
    Re: 8/08 Harley: AMPS=59, +1=89, +2=86, +3=59

    How's that for textbook numbers! +3 back to pre-shot!

    Woohoo!! party_cat dancing_cat party_cat


    Hmmmm....about those micro-doses....did I tell you I have TERRIBLE eyes (and I'm wearing glasses)! Sheesh! I'm gonna need lots of instructions of how to do those <.5u shots! I've read the stickies and looked at the pics...seems so impossible!! I'll need lots of practice!!

    Happy Sunday Funday!!

    Attached Files:

  8. Ronnie & Luna

    Ronnie & Luna Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 8/08 Harley: AMPS=59, +1=89, +2=86, +3=59

    Gather up some used syringes and start practicing!!
    Fruit juice works good with that... fill up a used syringe and practice practice!
    Blow up and print the fine dosing pics, that helps too. (they are in the New to the Group stickie)

    My own eyes have never been the same after fine dosing @-)
    Looking great Harley!

    Let's see how the day goes and we'll you some feedback about tomorrow.
  9. Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA)

    Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 8/08 Harley: AMPS=59, +1=89, +2=86, +3=59

    May I ship Shadow off to your place please> He can learn a thing or two from the pair you yous! :mrgreen:
  10. Sherry and Harley

    Sherry and Harley Member

    Apr 30, 2010
    Re: 8/08 Harley: AMPS=59, +1=89, +2=86, +3=59, +4=52

    Haha, Pat...maybe you can threaten him, ya know, like "If you don't straighten up young man, you're going to boot camp!"

    Where are you in Florida? I'm from WPB. Been in Cali for 7 years (after 2 years in MD for grad school)...

    LOL, the pharmacist just said to me, "Wow, you use a lot of those [strips]. How many do you use a day?" I just left it at, "Lots." I've been there 3 times in the past week....just dumped another 50 bucks! This kitty is breaking the bank, fo sho!! BUT....the end is near, my friends....I can just feel it!! (no jinx, please!)

  11. Libby and Lucy

    Libby and Lucy Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 8/08 Harley: AMPS=59, +6=76

    LOL, I remember on Lucy's way down the dosing ladder, at one point I was using over 100 strips per week! I sure did have lots more money once she went OTJ. :lol:
  12. Sherry and Harley

    Sherry and Harley Member

    Apr 30, 2010
    Re: 8/08 Harley: AMPS=59, +8.5=82--AM shot time chat??

    SO...here we are on Sunday evening. Obviously, I cannot move Harley's shot time to 8am by tomorrow morning, but do you think I can move it an extra amount tonight to get us closer....when I'll be around to deal with the "increase" from shooting early? I would LOVE to be able to shoot at 8:30 tonight, but I know that's a whole 45 minutes early. So, how about a compromise? Could I shoot at 8:45 instead of 9:00 (shooting at 9 would be the acceptable 15min early)? I am supposed to be at an appointment at 9am tomorrow, and it's about a 45 minute commute.

    After the shot time is ironed out, then we have the whole shot to deal with....since I WILL have to go to work tomorrow! She seemed to be pretty ok with the ,5u this morning, even with the SUPER low pre-shot #. Nothing too drastic happened. I will set the timed feeder for 6 meals...though, I think it's important to note that she doesn't always eat all the meals. I think if she's napping upstairs, she doesn't come down to eat.

    Ok...let me know what YOU think the plan should be! :D :D :D :D

  13. Libby and Lucy

    Libby and Lucy Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 8/08 Harley: AMPS=59, +8.5=82--AM shot time chat??

    I think 1/2 hour tonight will be ok. Tomorrow, well, I don't know, if you have to move up another 1/2 hour in the morning then you might want to do a BCS shot. Two 1/2 hour early shots in a row in these numbers might not be a good idea.
  14. Sherry and Harley

    Sherry and Harley Member

    Apr 30, 2010
    Re: 8/08 Harley: AMPS=59, +11.25=94--AM shot time chat??

    Thanks for responding so quickly, Libby! I would only move it 15 minutes in the morning, not another 30. I was hoping to make a bigger move tonight, so I could monitor her.

    At +11.25 she's 94....what are the odds I could shoot now? That would put me in a good place for the morning and I could make up the rest tomorrow evening. I know it's a lot....but I have a whole new 100 strips in hand to manage it tonight! ;-)

    Of course, if it's not good for her that I do that, then so be it. I'll manage.
  15. Libby and Lucy

    Libby and Lucy Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 8/08 Harley: AMPS=59, +8.5=82--AM shot time chat??

    you don't want to sleep tonight? :lol: She's rising but she might drop tonight. If you can monitor then you can go for it.
  16. Sherry and Harley

    Sherry and Harley Member

    Apr 30, 2010
    Thanks. I realized as I was hitting send that it was already too late. ohmygod_smile So it was actually about 35 minutes early instead of 30 (versus the 45min I was asking for). I wasn't paying attention to the time.

    Though, the earlier I can shoot, the later I can monitor! :D Thanks for your help. Fingers crossed for tonight AND tomorrow!

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