1/5 Latte AMPS- 302, PMPS- 280

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by carolynandlatte, Jan 5, 2010.

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  1. carolynandlatte

    carolynandlatte Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    :shock: :eek:
    Apparrently there is a day LTS and a night LTS. Latte is much further behind in the night LTS.

    pmps 213
    +5.5 238 (or there abouts)
    +6.5- 143

    White foamy vomit upon awakening this morning. Not so common anymore, but still does happen. Strangely she did attempt to eat very shortly afterwards. Hope she continues, as its back to work and our very rushed/stressed a.m.'s- gone +2ish until +10. Boy will she be glad to have me gone! :lol:

  2. Ronnie & Luna

    Ronnie & Luna Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 1/5 Latte AMPS- 302

    Glad to hear she is eating or trying to. ((Hugs)) for ((Latte))

    Have a good day!
  3. Deb & Spot

    Deb & Spot Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 1/5 Latte AMPS- 302

    Sometimes LTS is a full time thing!
    Eating is good, vomiting isn't, but Spot does that on occasion also. Not sure why.....
    Well, have a good day today, I'm sure Latte will miss you
  4. Roni and Moonie

    Roni and Moonie Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 1/5 Latte AMPS- 302

    Hope Latte comes down for you & becomes a full time student! Let's see some good numbers today! :mrgreen:
  5. Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA)

    Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 1/5 Latte AMPS- 302

    Good luck today...glad latte ate .... the number, uh, well....it's very
    close to yellow, right? I am sure she will be missing you like crazy today!
  6. carolynandlatte

    carolynandlatte Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 1/5 Latte AMPS- 302

    She survived my absence!

    +1.5- 273
    +2.25 - 208
    +10.25- 244

    She ate an awful lot of kibble when I was out, and the remainder of her wet.

    I will speak more to this later tonight on my post over in health regarding latte's acidic state. I did speak with her specialist, Dr. Polzin, who is actually a well known researcher in urinary/kidney health. He said if her bicarb and anion gap are 'true' results than it is indeed serious and needs to be treated or kidney functioning will decline very quickly. :cry: Im trying to make a plan for the moment. He wants me to test for ketones from the diabetes since glucose was not taken in the same lab, nor was urine. So I need to get some ketosticks in the next day or two. He is in research, not clinic right now, but did say he would meet with us for a blood draw and then follow up later in the month with a full appt. he is also willing to consult with my vet. She will need a full blood chemistry, the specialized test for MA and fructosamine test. I need to get an estimate from them, so I can figure out scraping the money together. This is one of those things that we cannot afford to NOT follow up on/treat. This is that 'emergency'. The other problem is figuring out WHEN I can get her in because their hours are the same as my work hours for the next two weeks.

    *sigh* Im okay. Feeling a bit sad but REALLY trying to focus on how lucky I am ...3yrs ago next month is the anniversary of her ARF from metacam. That was the beginning of this journey. Few people are as lucky as us.

    Be back with pmps in a while.
  7. Linda and Bear Man

    Linda and Bear Man Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 1/5 Latte AMPS- 302

    You are dealing with some very complex issues. I am sorry you and Latte are going through this.
  8. carolynandlatte

    carolynandlatte Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
  9. carolynandlatte

    carolynandlatte Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 1/5 Latte AMPS- 302, PMPS- 280, +6.5~ 310

    I sure wish I knew what I could do to help her.

    She is still sweet and soft. I fell asleep for a while with her ,sandwiched between my bed and the unwanted piano. She put her paw in my hand,as if she wanted to hold it.

    I will try to get some ketostix tomorrow and test. Will ask in, a.m. but any late nighters know if i could press the stick onto her pee pad after she goes? Or do I need to catch it midstream?

  10. Cassandra and Sasha

    Cassandra and Sasha Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 1/5 Latte AMPS- 302, PMPS- 280, +6.5~ 310

    Does this means the ones I sent did not arrive? It has to have been over 2 weeks since I sent them. :sad:

    You can press them against pee clumps, but sometimes the litter will discolor the strip. It is best to use on caught urine if possible. I like to catch some in a small container (some people use ladles), so that I can test more than one strip if necessary if I question the test at all.
  11. carolynandlatte

    carolynandlatte Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    no they have not arrived. I figured they got lost. who knows, maybe tomorrow they will magically appear! That would be awesome.

    at this point the cost of the strips wouold definately outweigh the cost of a urinalysis eithe at the university or regular vet. And they will want to test for ketones one way or another before tests to confirm the ma.

    It was a good effort and very much appreciated cassandra! Thank you!
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