02/22 J.D. PMPS 385

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Dyana, Feb 22, 2014.

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  1. Dyana

    Dyana Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Yesterday's Condo

    Last Night:
    559 PMPS
    237 +6

    J.D. went for a nice walk last night and ate pretty good.
    This morning, he ate a little and then wouldn't eat any more until just now. I tested and offered him a couple testing treats and then a bit of Ginger's leftover Breffis with FortiFlora on top and Halo's freeze dried beef smooshed in and he ate that and then got up and started to eat the 1st Breffis that I served that both of the cats refused.

    From Last Night:
    Thank you very much Linda for your taking the time to ask the vet about J.D.'s bloodwork :YMHUG:

    I don't think our vet wanted to give him steriods, she just mentioned it, and said that because he is diabetic we wouldn't want to go that route, right now, anyway.

    I am off to a doctor's appointment to hopefully fix this arm so it works better. It's very frustrating not being able to bear weight or turn the wrist to do all the things you normally do with your main writing hand.
  2. MrZ

    MrZ Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2013
    Re: 02/22 J.D. AMPS 448, +2 502

    Hi Dyana,

    I hope your appointment went well and the treatment recommended for your arm gets you on the mend and "back on your feet" in no time. Glad to see that despite the slow start this morning, JD's appy has improved.

    JD - Let's work on lowering that number for your mom's return, ok? A lower BG would really make her feel so much better.
  3. Cleo & Jane (GA)

    Cleo & Jane (GA) Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2013
    Re: 02/22 J.D. AMPS 448, +2 502

    Sending good "doc visit" vines. Hope you are able to get some relief and heal.
    How about a slide down into prettier colors, J.D.? Glad his appy was pretty good, Dyana :smile:
  4. mariko

    mariko Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2011
    Re: 02/22 J.D. AMPS 448, +2 502, +4 352

    Hi Dyana,
    I'm glad J.D.'s appetite picked up.
    I really hope his next b/w will be better, and that you will not be as worried.
    Sending lots of prayers for him.
    And sending healing vines for your arm too.
  5. Dyana

    Dyana Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 02/22 J.D. AMPS 448, +2 502, +4 352

    I HATE Doctors. I don't even want to talk about the anger and angst I am feeling.
    Somewhere in my chart a doctor once wrote something about carpel tunnel syndrome, because of my desk and how my elbows rest on my desk at work, I was at one time feeling pain in my elbows. This "doctor" (nurse pratictioner) today first brought up carpel tunnel syndrome, and I told her I never had it. She said it says here in your chart.. She then must have said carpel tunnel syndrome 20 or more times during the examination. She determined that all of my pain and inability to hold anything that weighs more than a piece of paper, or twist my wrist around to write with pen and paper or turn a key in a lock, to release the emergency brake or shift gears in my car, to feed myself, brush my teeth or hair with my right hand, is all because of carpel tunnel syndrome. I said to her, and you think this carpel tunnel syndrome happened when I fell on the ice? and she said "no".

    She said the arm is most likely not broken and showed me the green bruise on my elbow. She said that I can go to an orthopedic surgeon and get an MRI. What, so I can get more milarky said to me? I will heal my arm myself. I will just try to keep twisting my wrist more and more and keep trying to make it hold up more and more weight and eventually I will heal it myself. I hate doctors.

    I'm sure I must have spontaneously gotten carpel tunnel syndrome at the same instant that I slipped on the ice. Uh huh, that must be it.

    Done fuming.

    J.D. and Ginger and I went for a walk after my appointment, as it is nice and sunny outside. There is still a bit of ice on the walkways (but at least it is starting to melt). J.D. was eating pretty good before I left for the doctors and ate some more when I got home.

    I need to go try to wash dishes, but because of my "carpel tunnel syndrome" it is a very slow process. UGG!
  6. Kim & Twice

    Kim & Twice Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2013
    Re: 02/22 J.D. AMPS 448, +2 502, +4 352

    Good Morning Dyana :coffee:
    Good luck with that oddly coincidental "Carpel Tunnel" :roll: It seems to be a favorite diagnosis for some doctors. My BF fell a few years ago and chipped the bone in her elbow...Carpel Tunnel they said! She knew they were full of it and went to see someone else who found the issue.
    Well JD, you're heading the right way sweetie. Keep it comin'. Good job eating your fuds :D
    Have a good day Dyana.
  7. Patty & Champ

    Patty & Champ Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    Re: 02/22 J.D. AMPS 448, +2 502, +4 352

    So glad JD's numbers have come down for you!!

    I've been a medical transcriptionist for over 20 years with a specialty in neurology. The main symptoms of carpal tunnel are numbness and tingling in the fingers, especially the thumb and index finger. I hate it when you make an appointment to see your doctor and they shuffle you off to their nurse. I understand nurses are important and have a thorough comprehension of the medical field, but when you fall on ice, hit your elbow, have pain in your wrist, the first thing she should have done was suggested an x-ray and then a referral to a hand specialist or orthopedist. Carpal tunnel syndrome shouldn't even have been in her differential diagnosis. If you fell on your outstretched hands, you could have injured your wrist. I do suggest you get a wrist brace and wear it constantly for a week or so, except when bathing. Try not to bear any weight (full plates, lifting groceries, etc.) until the pain is better. Giving it a rest will help it heal quicker. If you still have pain after a couple weeks, you really should see a specialist. If you fell and hit your elbow, it could be cubital tunnel syndrome (ulnar nerve entrapment syndrome). I found a really good article on this... http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=a00069 .... Read it and see if the symptoms fit you. If they do, they give really good ideas on how to treat yourself. Good luck. Let me know how everything goes....I'm curious!!!
  8. Rachel & Chyna (GA)

    Rachel & Chyna (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2012
    Re: 02/22 J.D. AMPS 448, +2 502, +4 352

    Sorry about the bad doctor appointment and the phooey diagnosis :? . I didn't know that falling on ice can spontaneously cause carpel tunnel! ( :lol: ). I have a wrist brace from when I sprained mine and it did help...it was one that wrapped around my thumb and had steel through the back of it. I hope that it is something that will heal on it's own...and that it heals fast for you. Sending feel better vines!

    Looks like J.D. is trying to make you happy by sliding down :D . Keep coming down, little one. The yellow and blue floors are beckoning!
  9. Dyana

    Dyana Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    J.D. had 3 nice walks today, and ate pretty good. I took a nap finally at +10 laying on the couch and woke up to J.D. purring and soft fur all over my face :)

    Thanks Rachel. My neighbor lent me a wrist brace to wear and I have worn it to work and taken it off at night. It kind of has two thumb holes (so you can put it on either hand) but he told me he thought the hard steel piece goes on the bottom, so that's how I have been wearing it.
    The nurse today said to not wear it at work, but to wear it when I sleep, which does not make sense to me.
  10. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    I'm glad J.D. has been eating good for you today. I'm sorry about your doctor visit. That is just stupid. I hope your wrist heals quickly.
  11. Rachel & Chyna (GA)

    Rachel & Chyna (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2012
    Sorry Dyana, I am terrible at describing things! It has steel that runs along the palm of the hand in a curve down back past the wrist, and another along the side/back (thin piece). Either way, I'm sure they all work about the same and I'm glad your neighbor could lend you one :D. I did the opposite of what the nurse told you, wore mine to work and took it off in the night...maybe she is thinking you would further injure it in sleep...but you'd think it would do more good while you're moving around :lol:

    The nap and the wake up to furr and purring sounds so sweet :cool: cat_pet_icon
  12. Wendy&Tiggy(GA)

    Wendy&Tiggy(GA) Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    I guess doctors and nurses are as varied in expertise as vets... Maybe you can find another better one.

    Also wonder about JDs walk today.. Did he go out in the snow?
  13. Dyana

    Dyana Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Thanks Rachel. I plan to keep wearing it at work, when I need the support during a long 10 hour work day of typing and occasionally writing with a pen (that hurts as my wrist doesn't turn well in that direction).

    The snow is still over J.D.'s back, so over 12 inches, so no J.D. did not go into the snow, just on the pathways.

    Ni~Ni. It's past my bedtime.
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