12/30 Rusty PMPS 141, +4 153; Ginsberg is GA

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Ella & Rusty & Stu(GA), Dec 30, 2013.

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  1. Ella & Rusty & Stu(GA)

    Ella & Rusty & Stu(GA) Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    yesterday: http://www.felinediabetes.com/FDMB/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=110842

    Good Morning, Everyone,

    I don't know where that 315 came from. Maybe the meter was too cold. Anyway, we had a good night, good morning routine and now we are busy getting ready for Linda (Bear Man's) arrival this afternoon and the big New Year's Eve party tomorrow. I'll try to get back to condos later, but in any event will be thinking of you all and your kitties.

    We are expecting a deep freeze for the New Year with temps falling to zero tonight, and to about -15 F. tomorrow night. I don't think too many of our friends will want to venture out 1/2 mile down the road to see the fireworks!


    Ella & Rusty
  2. Melissa & Tarragon

    Melissa & Tarragon Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2011
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315(!)

    Come on down Rusty. What is up with that big guy? Brrrrrrr. That is really really cold. Enjoy your visit with Linda and have a great day Ellla!
  3. Lauren&Tommy (GA)

    Lauren&Tommy (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2010
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315(!)

    Rusty is just keeping things interesting for you and probably just excited about Linda visiting. Temps aren't as cold here but cold enough that I'm already looking forward to spring. I hope you have a good day Ella and come on down for your mommy sweetheart!
  4. rhiannon and shadow (GA)

    rhiannon and shadow (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2012
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315(!)

    Time to head down Rusty.
  5. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315(!)

    I hope Rusty slides down today. Enjoy your visit with Linda and have a good New Year's Eve.
  6. Michelle and Mannie (GA)

    Michelle and Mannie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315(!)

    Morning Ella :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

    Rusty, dude! Seriously? The pink floor? I hope you decide to come on down soon. The lagoon needs its meister.

    Have a great day Ella, and welcome to Linda. Please tell her hello for me. You guys stay warm - those temps are brutal. [​IMG]
  7. Anne & Zener GA

    Anne & Zener GA Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2011
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315(!)

    Blech! Safe travels to Linda, how fun!
  8. Ella & Rusty & Stu(GA)

    Ella & Rusty & Stu(GA) Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315, +6 133; Ginsberg is GA

    We had a tragic morning. We have been looking in on our friends' kitty, Ginsberg. He seemed fine yesterday. This morning, when I went to feed him, I heard him meowing from the basement. I finally found him tucked into a corner and in obvious pain. He could not move his hind legs. He had peed all over himself. I called a friend who lives down the street and the two of us took him to his vet (only 2 blocks away). I suspected a blood clot similar to what Maui had. The vet confirmed it. Ginsberg's lungs were filled with fluid and his heart beat was irregular. I was able to get my friends on their cell phone and we agreed that we had to let him go. So I held him close to comfort him. He's flying free now. Please keep him in your thoughts and ask your GAs to look out for him at the Bridge. He was an all black, DSH, with very soft, thick fur. He weighed 15 lbs. today but has weighed as much as 20 in his prime. I think he was 13 years old. Fly free, Ginsberg!

    Rusty was a little "strange" when I got home. I think he smelled the vetty smells. I washed all the clothes I was wearing right away, but Rusty "knows". He's a bit better now. Linda will probably be here by the mid afternoon, so I have to go out to do the shopping now that I was going to do this morning.

    Please keep Ginsberg's beans in your thoughts. They are beside themselves.

    Ella & Rusty
  9. Melissa & Tarragon

    Melissa & Tarragon Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2011
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315, +6 133; Ginsberg is GA

    How tragic. My heart breaks for Ginsberg's beans. Fly free sweet Ginsberg. Healing and comfort vines for Ginsberg's beans. Comforting vines for you too Ella. :YMHUG:
  10. Anne & Zener GA

    Anne & Zener GA Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2011
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315, +6 133; Ginsberg is GA

    Oh no! We are so sorry. (((((Ella)))))
  11. Rachel & Chyna (GA)

    Rachel & Chyna (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2012
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315, +6 133; Ginsberg is GA

    Oh, I'm so sorry for your friends loss, and yours. How terrible to be away when that happens, so heartbreaking :sad: I will keep them in my thoughts. I'm glad Rusty is having a good day, despite the vetty smells. Hugs! :YMHUG:
  12. julie & punkin (ga)

    julie & punkin (ga) Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2011
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315, +6 133; Ginsberg is GA

    that's tragic - anyone's nightmare to have their pet pass while they're gone. :sad: i'm so sorry.

    have a wonderful visit with Linda! Fireworks sounds like a special way to celebrate the New Year!
  13. Patty & Champ

    Patty & Champ Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315, +6 133; Ginsberg is GA

    I feel so bad for Ginsberg's people, and for you! How terribly, terribly awful.

    I sure hope you have a good visit with Linda and have a great New Year's.
  14. Marje and Gracie

    Marje and Gracie Senior Member Moderator

    May 30, 2010
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315, +6 133; Ginsberg is GA

    (((Ella)))) I am so very sorry. What a tragedy and especially for your friends to not be there with him. They are very lucky that someone as compassionate, loving, caring, and knowledgeable as you was there for Ginsberg as he earned his wings.

    I hope you all can enjoy the time with Linda. Also glad to see Rusty coming down.
  15. rhiannon and shadow (GA)

    rhiannon and shadow (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2012
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315, +6 133; Ginsberg is GA

    Fly Free Ginsberg. rb_icon
    If it had to be while I was absent, I would want someone like you there in my place. That's very likely why they ask you to help while they are gone.
    Still, it's unnerving, so sending hugs...
  16. Amy&TrixieCat

    Amy&TrixieCat Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2011
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315, +6 133; Ginsberg is GA

    Oh, how sad! I agree with the others...at least Ginsberg had such a caring and compassionate person with him at the end, even if it wasn't his own beans. Sending prayers out to them, Ginsberg, and you today....
  17. Pam & Hoot

    Pam & Hoot Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2012
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315, +6 133; Ginsberg is GA

    So sorry to hear about Ginsberg :sad:
    And so sorry it happened on your watch :sad:
    Thats a hard thing to have to deal with :sad:
    Fly free sweet Ginsberg and sending healing vines to you and your friends Ella ♥
  18. Tara & Buster

    Tara & Buster Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2012
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315, +6 133; Ginsberg is GA

    I guess that's exactly why you have someone check on your furkids while you're gone. I'm glad you could be with him in his final hours. Fly free Ginsberg. Come back and visit your beans once you've found your way. wings_cat
  19. Kim & Twice

    Kim & Twice Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2013
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315, +6 133; Ginsberg is GA

    Oh (((Ella))) how horrible for you and Ginsberg's beans. It is my greatest fear that something happen to my babes and I would be away. I agree with everyone else, I would want it to be someone as loving as you to be there for them. I am so very sorry this has happened. I too hope that you and Linda will still be able to have a great visit together.
    Good boy Rusty for sliding into the blues. Give your bean special snugs tonight.

    Fly free Ginsberg rb_icon Our GA's will be watching for you.
  20. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315, +6 133; Ginsberg is GA

    I'm so sorry about Ginsberg. I know it was difficult for you, but I'm sure your friends were glad you could be there. Sending prayers to your friends. Fly free Ginsberg.
  21. Dyana

    Dyana Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315, +6 133; Ginsberg is GA

    I'm so sorry for your friends. I'm glad you were there and able to help Ginsberg when he needed you most. Maybe it was all meant to be this way.
    Fly Free Ginsberg. Come to visit your family and let them know you are okay.

    I hope your visit with Linda is a good one. Enjoy the fireworks.
  22. Sienne and Gabby (GA)

    Sienne and Gabby (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315, +6 133; Ginsberg is GA

    I'm so sorry, Ella. I think this is something we all fear. I'm glad you and a friend were there with Ginsberg when he crossed.

    Fly free Ginsberg and land softly.
  23. Ann & Tess GA

    Ann & Tess GA Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2010
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315, +6 133; Ginsberg is GA

    I am so sorry that you had such a sad day. We all fear this happening when we leave our babies, Ginsberg's humans were so lucky to have someone as caring and knowledgable to be with him and hold him as he passed.

    I think Tess andRusty are having a bounce and dive competition today!
  24. Michelle and Mannie (GA)

    Michelle and Mannie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 12/30 Rusty AMPS 315, +6 133; Ginsberg is GA

    I am so sorry about Ginsberg. Thank goodness that you found him, and were a able to help him cross, and especially hold him at the time of his crossing. So sad... It is always something I feared with Mannie, it can be so very painful. Fly free Ginsberg. There are many wonderful GA's waiting for you at the Bridge,
  25. Ella & Rusty & Stu(GA)

    Ella & Rusty & Stu(GA) Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    Thank you, dear friends, for your compassion for Ginsberg. I know he is safely at the Bridge and that all our GAs are welcoming him. Ginsberg knew Stu and I'm sure that a welcome dinner is being prepared by Stu and Mannie in their Two Chefs' Kitchen. Fly free sweet Ginsberg!

    Rusty was subdued all day, but he did eat his fuds. His Auntie Lindabean brought him a bag full of wonderful toys.

    We're all turning in now. Rusty did have a green number this afternoon at +9: 78 :mrgreen:

    ni ni,

    Ella & Rusty
  26. Tigger's Friend

    Tigger's Friend Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2013
    Fly Free, sweet Ginsberg, Land softly & visit your Beans when you can to lighten their sadness.

    (((Ella))) I'm so sorry you had to be the guardian at the crossing for Ginsberg, but how lucky for him it was you there to help him while his beans were gone. You are one incredible person. Prayers for all, especially Ginsberg's beans whose worst nightmares came true.

    Have a great & Happy New Year's celebration & stay WARM!
  27. Katie & Mego (GA)

    Katie & Mego (GA) Member

    Mar 15, 2013
    Ella, I'm so heartbroken for Ginsberg's beans, but I am so grateful you were there to help Ginsberg over the bridge. Hugs to you for being in that difficult situation. Please let Ginsberg's beans know our hearts ache for them in this difficult time.
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