9/20 Titan AMPS 472, +2 450, PMPS 432, +3 393

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by MyTitan (GA), Sep 20, 2017.

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  1. MyTitan (GA)

    MyTitan (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2017
    Titan 9/19.
    It's late September right? 70 degrees this morn at 6am with a pair of 90's predicted for tomorrow and Saturday. Anybody need a used snow shovel? Sir Titan starts out in the Red today. Didn't make the yellows last night but pinks are acceptable for now. His vet visit went well, hair loss attributable to the diabetes/ nutritional issues. Our Vet is going to check in at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and see what their radiation treatment involves. Good to have options right? He's feeling good today, ate well and over the last few days less peeing in the litter box. Equinox tomorrow enjoy the 50/50!
    Christie & Maverick likes this.
  2. Christie & Maverick

    Christie & Maverick Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2017
    Lovely late September weather, enjoy it while it lasts! The snow will fly before you know it :woot:

    So good to hear, it's nice when we can see them getting back to their old selves!

    Come on down Titan, let's see if we can smell some roses this a.m. cycle!
    MyTitan (GA) likes this.
  3. Alicia & Maggie (GA)

    Alicia & Maggie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2017
    That's super that Titan is feeling good and eating well! :cool: Hope his BG comes down soon.
    MyTitan (GA) likes this.
  4. Beenie (GA)

    Beenie (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2017
    Oh I wouldn't give it away just yet!;)
    Sounds like Titan is feeling pretty darn good:)
  5. MyTitan (GA)

    MyTitan (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2017
    Yep he is , slow downward movement at +2.
  6. Doodles & Karen

    Doodles & Karen Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2015
    My Doodles had hair loss in the beginning and neuropathy. Eventually his fuzz grew back and recovered from neuropathy too. Maybe a little vitamin B in his food will help. It can't hurt, they just urinate out what their body doesn't use. Most use Zobaline but this is what I used Vitamin B 1/2 capsule twice a day

    Work that juice Titan
    MyTitan (GA) likes this.
  7. MyTitan (GA)

    MyTitan (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2017
    Flat day in the Reds, las tyme this happened we visited the beach to gaze out over the water. Maybe.......
    Christie & Maverick likes this.
  8. Christie & Maverick

    Christie & Maverick Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2017
    Maverick thought he'd graciously give Titan a head start tonight....come in Titan, let's see if we can get to that beach :D
  9. MyTitan (GA)

    MyTitan (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2017
    Thanks Mav ( that sounds like a line from a movie :smuggrin:)
  10. MyTitan (GA)

    MyTitan (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2017
    Barely pink at +3 (393). Not worried about a steep drop off to the yellows so I'm getting some shuteye. Guess he took the "beach closed" sign serious.
    Christie & Maverick likes this.
  11. Bronx's dad (GA)

    Bronx's dad (GA) Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
    Once you get to 10u, you can increase in 1u increments...
  12. Christie & Maverick

    Christie & Maverick Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2017
    Tomorrow's another day :)..once you start seeing lower numbers pinks aren't so exciting...Titan will get back into the swing of things, I'm sure.
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