? 8/5/18 Olive AMPS 243; +1.5=301; +6=135; +8.5=114; PMPS 190; +2=256; +4=168; +5.5=126 ? In #8

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Olive & Paula, Aug 5, 2018.

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  1. Olive & Paula

    Olive & Paula Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2015

    Ok she is getting use to this dose. Her PS are creeping up although blue all AM cycle they are a tad higher. Might have to increase a tad tomorrow. She seems to fluctuate between 8.5 and 9 units.

    Tomorrow is her follow up dental.

    Checked my hanging pot yesterday, I haven't seen the birds go in for a few days. There is a nest with 3 eggs. White with brown specks. One egg is super tiny compared to the other 2. This morning I saw a parent bird go in.

    Today I make more pickles, do dad's paperwork, and hopefully get some cleaning done, mostly washing about lbs.

    Wishing everyone an uneventful day.

    ETA; yesterday a woman (call her A) was walking around in what we call our meadow. Apparently see saw another women (B) there earlier and stopped to see if she needed help. Woman B said she saw a small racoon on side of road and moved it into our meadow. Woman A said she would check on it on her way back from store. Woman B put raccoon in a small plastic box. So A comes back raccoon is out of box but still in the meadow next to it. Raccoon didn't run and seems use to people as it was eating nuts out of her hand. My dh gets a carrier and they put raccoon in and A and her husband say they will take to wildlife center. I wonder if the raccoon was domestic and B was actually dumping it.
    Jill & Alex (GA) likes this.
  2. Judy and Boomer

    Judy and Boomer Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2014
    Bring it on down to the lagoon Olive! The dosecrease threat has been issued.
  3. Olive & Paula

    Olive & Paula Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2015
    So +1.5 she is really hitting me with a sharp nail (guess we get trimmed today) I'm like you couldn't have dropped to low and you just ate. Nope food spike but yet she wants to eat again.
  4. Amanda and a Loudogg

    Amanda and a Loudogg Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2017
    She really does seem to get used to her doses quickly! I second Judy, hopefully she reacts positively to the doscrease threat. That seems like such a weird situation with the two women. Talk about random!
  5. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    I hope Olive heads down today. That is strange about the raccoon and the women.
  6. Olive & Paula

    Olive & Paula Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2015
    The funny thing is that in the 10 yrs we've lived here, never once have we seen a raccoon or evidence of one. That's why I wonder if it was dumped. To friendly to be totally wild. I wish they would have told us, we could have kept an eye on it, give it food and water and move it to shade instead of leaving it in the hot sun with nothing. Our door is only about 40 ft away from where it was.
  7. Olive & Paula

    Olive & Paula Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2015
    Yep, her nadir is starting to climb. Will see what happens til morning but I think we will need to go back to 9 units and get better with the food to keep the sharks away.

    Got pickle done, and thinking there must be something I can do with pot of boiling water. So I dug out the package of gizzards I have in freezer and now cooking them for the furkids. I also made batch of pumpkin cubes. Got 1 box washed and another to do. Tuesday wash the other 2. Busy busy busy.
  8. Olive & Paula

    Olive & Paula Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2015
    So she fooled me again.

    ? What does everyone think if I mix 20% with her regular 3% for the +2 & 3 meals so she won't crash? You know boost the drop?
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