5/8 AMPS 237,+4 352 +7 348, +9 332 glucose toxicity

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Mouse & Me, May 8, 2018.

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  1. Mouse & Me

    Mouse & Me Member

    Nov 25, 2016
    Mouse is more active, her coat looks better this morning. Both cats are looking for food, but not in a big way. They didn't touch their autofeeder food. Her brother is non-diabetic, so when he shows no appetite, it's most likely that they are both being, well, cats.

    I'm going with the same dosage, and try to offer yet a different food. maybe fortiflor is needed today

    Her bouncing has begun with a vengeance
    Last edited: May 8, 2018
  2. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    You could be seeing the after effects of whatever she ate last night that she doesn’t usually have as well. Judging by your past data, it seems likely she will come back down to something more respectable by PMPS. Hope you got some rest today.
  3. Bobbie And Bubba

    Bobbie And Bubba Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2015
    Looks like you had some excitement last night! And today you get a little pokey break. Hope she'll be slide down soon.
  4. Mouse & Me

    Mouse & Me Member

    Nov 25, 2016
    It happens. As soon as she stayed away from the 40s long enough, I went to bed.
    Now, she's bouncing from the body reacting to low numbers, and the high carb snacks
    Doesn't the high carb snacks interfere with the three-day rule for changing dose?
  5. Mouse & Me

    Mouse & Me Member

    Nov 25, 2016
    does the high carb snacks interfere with the schedule for tight regulation? Should we wait for her numbers to come down again, then let the clock start ticking?
  6. Bobbie And Bubba

    Bobbie And Bubba Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2015
    You will just give the bounce 6 cycles to clear. What dose did you shoot today? The 2.5 or did you reduce back to 2.25?
  7. Mouse & Me

    Mouse & Me Member

    Nov 25, 2016
    2.5. going by the schedule, I should up the dose on the 10th.
    With her high numbers coming down, are you saying that I should restart the clock, and count 6 cycles from now?
  8. Bobbie And Bubba

    Bobbie And Bubba Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2015
    Since you aren't sure of the dose yesterday AM cycle, the counting for 2.5 starts as cycle one last night and go from there.
  9. Mouse & Me

    Mouse & Me Member

    Nov 25, 2016
    "]You will just give the bounce 6 cycles to clear." so, ignore the bounce, the high carb, and stick to tight regulation, even though the high carbs are throwing off her numbers now?
    Bobbie And Bubba likes this.
  10. Bobbie And Bubba

    Bobbie And Bubba Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2015
    Yes, keep with the TR. Only change the dose between now and then if she drops under 50 since you are using a human meter then she would earn a reduction.
  11. Mouse & Me

    Mouse & Me Member

    Nov 25, 2016
    Let me get this straight, if she drops under 50 again, she gets a reduction?
  12. Bobbie And Bubba

    Bobbie And Bubba Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2015
    Correct. Since you are not sure what dose was given yesterday AM, keep a careful watch on her because if it was 2.5 given and she dropped low last night's cycle the dose could be too much for her.
  13. Mouse & Me

    Mouse & Me Member

    Nov 25, 2016
    I grilled my husband after the incident, and we believe that she had 2.5 in the AM.
    " the dose could be too much for her" ....meaning.....drop it or keep it the same on the 10th?
  14. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    Mouse is a long term diabetic. I explained yesterday the 3 under 50 rule you could try, the details are in yesterday’s thread, see if you want to do that instead of 1 under 50. Since these are her first greens, you probably want to hold this dose for a bit. TR recommends 10 cycles, but this isn’t her first green technically, just for this new go round. With the glucose toxicity we will just have to wait and see what she does and make decisions that make sense for her situation.
  15. Mouse & Me

    Mouse & Me Member

    Nov 25, 2016
    10 cycles.....I thought it was 6
    I feel like I should keep her at 2.5, because I think after she gets to 200s, she'll surf, then go to blues, and somewhere along that timeline, she'll sink low....but if I really knew what I was doing, she would have been in remission a long time ago.
    I just reread the thread, so.......I should keep going at 2.5 until I see two more days of under 50, unless she goes lower.
    No upping the dose on the 10th, correct?

    By the way, I think she was getting dehydrated last night. It explains why she was hot, greasy coat. The syringes of water brought her back. Today's coat is beautiful.
    She used to get slightly dehydrated when she kept going through doses of antibiotics from tooth infection & lyme disease. She's not been feeling well lately due to the weather. Maybe her immune system took more of a hit than I thought, and maybe she ate some of her brothers freeze dried food in the autofeeder. She has been very hungry in the past week. Freeze dried foods need water in the system. I add water to her food normally, but since last night, I added an extra tablespoon, just to get her back to normal. She has perked up.
    Stacy & Asia likes this.
  16. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    If she can stay in good numbers, glucose toxicity banished! So if she comes down from these pinks and keeps seeing greens, we will have to evaluate if and when another increase is needed, if needed at all. Sometimes you find s good dose and you can keep it for weeks or months, sometimes their needs change. If she stagnates and can't get back to it, you would need to take he dose up again. If she drops below 50 2 more times (on 2 different days), or once below 40, she gets a decrease.

    Every 6 cycles is the shortest amount of time you need to wait before increasing in general. TR says when you see greens the first time you give that dose 10 cycles. While this isn't technically her first greens ever, this is her first good stretch of greens since addressing the glucose toxicity, so I think it's a good guideline to follow. It could be a working dose for Mouse, assuming she can break the bounce and get back to some good numbers. I'm excited to see what she does, I think if this isn't the dose for her, she's pretty close to a breakthrough. :)

    I'm relieved she's feeling better. This weather has made a mess of me and my kids allergy wise, it doesn't surprise me at all that the cats can be bothered too. I'm glad you figured out the problem and got some more water in to her. They do feel really crummy when they are dehydrated. They also usually feel a bit off spending time in green like she did last night because they are not yet used to it. Asia used to be so happy and perky in pink and greens would make her sleepy, now she's the opposite.
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