12/26 Asia +11 52, PMPS 62, +1 152, +2 129, +3.5 50

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Stacy & Asia, Dec 26, 2017.

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  1. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017

    Asia decided not to pull any funny business on Christmas, which is just as well as I was a bit distracted. She got some good numbers yesterday but almost no duration, not sure why. Last night seemed to be flat blue, it’s possible she went down a bit more in the wee hours, but we’ll never know.

    Asia had a good Christmas, she ate some catnip and went a little spazzy over it, grunting like a piggy, we all had a laugh over that. My mom brought up a smoked salmon and Asia lost her mind when that package was opened, she followed around anyone who had some and yelled at them demanding salmon. I gave her the smallest piece of verboten fish because it was Christmas, I think she was happy over that.

    AMPS 118, not a bad start, let’s see what she does with that.
  2. Alicia & Maggie (GA)

    Alicia & Maggie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2017
    What a nice gift of salmon you gave Asia! Sometimes you just have to break the rules a little. :joyful: Have a nice safe surf today, Asia.
  3. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    That was my logic exactly! ;)
    Alicia & Maggie (GA) likes this.
  4. MyTitan (GA)

    MyTitan (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2017
    Everybody needs a little pleasure in life. Glad to see her numbers start out good. I suppose she said since the BG was good she gets some more salmon. Titan always responds good to pizza!
    Mandy & Rex (GA) likes this.
  5. Marje and Gracie

    Marje and Gracie Senior Member Moderator

    May 30, 2010
    What a great day for her yesterday!!!

    On the salmon....it’s like I tell my mom “you’re 90...enjoy the treat!” Good for Asia! The grunting cracked me up!
    Stacy & Asia likes this.
  6. Susan&Felix(GA)

    Susan&Felix(GA) Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2017
    Aw, little Asia grunting like a piggy. :joyful:

    Surf safely now, Asia.
    Stacy & Asia likes this.
  7. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    I have it on video too, if only I could upload and share the hysterical grunting!
  8. Mandy & Rex (GA)

    Mandy & Rex (GA) Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2017
    Why not? We can upload videos here!
    Stacy & Asia likes this.
  9. Marje and Gracie

    Marje and Gracie Senior Member Moderator

    May 30, 2010
    You can. Just upload it to YouTube and use the film strip icon above (next to the photo icon) to post it. We would love to see it!
    Stacy & Asia likes this.
  10. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    Asia is looking good. I'd love to hear the grunting.
    Stacy & Asia likes this.
  11. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017

    Hopefully this works, we got the video at the tail end of her spazzing, she was still grunting and getting all the catnip off of her leg, guest appearance by Toki, commentary courtesy of my daughter...:joyful:
  12. Mandy & Rex (GA)

    Mandy & Rex (GA) Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2017
    Asia is looking great for her age!! :D:D Does she often have weepy eyes?
  13. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    She has had blackish brownish red discharge that crusts around her eyes for over a year. It went away for a few weeks after a convenia shot (for something else), none of the vets think it’s a big deal or have much to say about it and don’t know why it went away with abx. So yes, it’s an often thing now, but it’s not a problem she has always had.
  14. Mandy & Rex (GA)

    Mandy & Rex (GA) Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2017
    The only reason I ask is my civvie Tanner has been dealing with that for over a year now, too. Someone suggested it could be herpes and lysine could be given in food. I haven't gotten around to it yet. I was hoping you would know more than I do. :)
  15. Susan&Felix(GA)

    Susan&Felix(GA) Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2017
    Must. Kiss. That. Face. :cat::kiss:

    I had a cat whose eye was weepy for many years after an upper respiratory infection. The vet speculated that her tear duct had been damaged and couldn't drain properly. I fretted that her face would get sore or chapped since it was wet so much, but it never seemed to bother her.
    MyTitan (GA) and Stacy & Asia like this.
  16. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    I asked about herpes and vet said he didn’t think so. They don’t seem to be concerned, I have asked 4 vets about it, but I have to wipe her face several times a day and she doesn’t like it. If I don’t wipe her face, it turns into a glue like crust that is very hard to get off. I sure wish I knew what it was.
  17. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    It’s both eyes for her, and it miraculously cleared up (temporarily) with antibiotics, it would bother her if I didn’t clean it, because it makes a crust that can block her nostrils and I also think it pulls on her fur.
  18. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    +11 52. I don’t normally feed her 2 hours before a shot, but if I don’t feed her, I’m sure she will go below 50, this is the double dip. Should I let her earn the reduction, or feed her some HC right now and then not really know what number I’m shooting in an hour? o_O
  19. Mandy & Rex (GA)

    Mandy & Rex (GA) Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2017
    What did you decide? I couldn't help. :confused:

    Tanner's discharge doesn't reach his nostrils, but I'm always having to pull dry gunk off his fur after being gone at work. :oops:
  20. Myagi (GA) and Heidi

    Myagi (GA) and Heidi Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    The only advice i can give is how do you feel? Are you rested and able to test? It'll be now or later. Hope Asia cooperates whatever you decide. Hugs!
    Stacy & Asia likes this.
  21. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    Nothing yet, I’m stalling without food, she’s 53, can’t tell if she’s going up or down. Going to wait a little longer and see before I shoot.
  22. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Loved the video.:kiss: And the response to the complaint about duration. :p:cat:
    Stacy & Asia likes this.
  23. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    “Duration you say? I’ll show you duration!” :rolleyes:

    I’m still stalling. If she were just one of those normal shoot low to stay low kitties, I wouldn’t be bothered. If I shoot her right now, it’s going to be a fight to keep her out of the 30’s, or maybe not, maybe this one time she’ll do something different, but those are not good odds. She drops so much in the first couple hours, I think I’d have to have her eating a bowl of Karo syrup for every meal. Sigh. :banghead:
    Marje and Gracie likes this.
  24. PussCatPrince - GA

    PussCatPrince - GA Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
    That's not grunting. That's very lady like appreciation. :oops:

    My old Ty had the eyes thing for a while. The vet called it something which I cannot now remember. He - Ty that is , not the vet - wasn't keen on my washing his chops as well as his rear. Then it just went away by itself.
    Stacy & Asia likes this.
  25. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    Stalled 1.5 hours, PMPS 62
  26. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    +1 152 ...maybe overdid it on the carbs :joyful:
    Myagi (GA) and Heidi likes this.
  27. AZJenks

    AZJenks Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2014
    Asia has got it locked down the last two weeks or so. Her numbers are looking great!

    Loved watching the video. She has such a unique look with those large eyes and short snout. Is she a particular breed of cat?

    And how are you doing? I read about the lab results and know you've had a lot to process over the holidays.
  28. Steph & Quintus & L & O

    Steph & Quintus & L & O Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2017
    if it went away with the convenia, then it sounds like a bacterial infection. how easy is it to get eye drops in her? or you might want to try a couple of rounds of convenia to try and clear it up. it's never good to have an infection hanging around.

    with your insulin injection experience you could talk the vet into giving you the convenia injection at home (that's what I do with Quintus)
  29. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    Thanks, she’s been keeping me on my toes, as Jenks has been for you. A lot of work, but the numbers sure are pretty! She’s a Bengal, but she looks like a medium hair tabby cat, she doesn’t look like the Bengal cats I’ve seen on the internet and I didn’t even know what a Bengal was when she picked me. :cat:

    It was a little soul crushing to see the BUN and creatinine, mostly because I was expecting them to have improved, and instead they were much, much worse. Then an additional diagnosis of pancrastitis and her phos was unacceptably high too. A lot to absorb at once, especially considering she’s asymptomatic. She’s still my goofy, lovable Asia, so that has helped more than anything.
  30. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    She tolerates eye drops just fine, I tried an over the counter antibiotic eye ointment (terramycin) and it didn’t do much of anything. I wouldn’t want to give her convenia without a confirmed diagnosis of something. I brought it up to two different vets that it went away on antibiotics and they were surprised but not concerned it was anything other than cosmetic. o_O
  31. Kris & Teasel

    Kris & Teasel Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2016
    What an absolute sweetie! :bighug::)
    Stacy & Asia likes this.
  32. AZJenks

    AZJenks Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2014
    I'z exotic!

    Wow, a Bengal? You're right, she doesn't resemble the pictures of Bengals that you see online. How did you figure that out?

    Agreed. Same ole kitty, just with a little more to manage. The great thing is that there's always someone here who's been there done that, so you never have to go it alone. Asia's in good, collective hands because we all want the best for her :)
    Stacy & Asia likes this.
  33. Steph & Quintus & L & O

    Steph & Quintus & L & O Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2017
    Meh! Once Quintus gets on my lap I can tell you which antibiotic is in the goto eye drops for cats in this country.
    Stacy & Asia likes this.
  34. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    Thank you so much! :bighug:
  35. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    She acts like a Bengal, just doesn’t look like one, but she has fancy cat papers somewhere that say so. And yes, it’s true, this board so awesome and not just for diabetes! So many wonderful people here, I guess it’s not such a bad thing I didn’t have an awesome vet at FD diagnosis, because I might never have found all of you and this wonderful resuource. :bighug:
  36. Marje and Gracie

    Marje and Gracie Senior Member Moderator

    May 30, 2010
    I loved the video!

    Thank you so much for sharing it. It made me laugh and it also made me cry because she reminds me of Gracie (her colors and her belly). I am so very happy for you that you have this miraculous little girl still with you and she’s looks great.

    I have had Scottish Folds for 22 years and they snort like that and also are prone to weepy eyes. Livia has an extremely flat face and the same thing occurs with her....weepy eyes, red deposit, and I have to wash her face thoroughly twice a day to keep those crusties at bay. I’ve had my Folds to different eye specialists over the years and they all say it’s facial conformation which can cause congestion (causing the snortiness) and weepy eyes. No one has ever treated them with a/bs. My Tobey has had herpes and the symptoms are very different.

    I’ve read where some say it’s due to something missing in their diet but the eye specialists and my own vet say that is completely myth. And mine, like yours, eat a balanced raw diet,
  37. Steph & Quintus & L & O

    Steph & Quintus & L & O Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2017
    So, it's tobramycin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobramycin 3mg/ml, 3 times a day for a week, usually. I'd say worth trying. The brand name here is Tobrex.
    Stacy & Asia likes this.
  38. Marje and Gracie

    Marje and Gracie Senior Member Moderator

    May 30, 2010
    I use that with Tobey when he has herpes along with Idoxuridine. The tobramycin will not address the weepy eyes and reddish discharge....at least it doesn’t in my cats because those issues aren’t caused by bacteria.
  39. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    Aw, I’m sorry it made you cry, but I’m glad you loved it, they get pretty silly with catnip, don’t they? I think Asia & Gracie would have been fast friends. :bighug: Asia’s super furry rusty tummy is one of her finest features, I’m glad she loves belly rubs, I don’t think I could stay away!

    Just to clarify, she didn’t get treated with antibiotics for her eyes, it was for a suspected UTI and for whatever reason, it cleared up her eyes a lot. It also wasn’t an always thing, it’s been the past couple years, I guess. One vet said it’s becuase she doesn’t clean herself as well as she used to, so it probably was happening before and I just didn’t notice it. I also noticed in the beginning of diabetes it was a lot worse and very sticky, that has abated somewhat. Poor snorty smushed face kitties.
  40. Steph & Quintus & L & O

    Steph & Quintus & L & O Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2017
    In Asia's case, though, as it cleared up with Convenia, we can suppose it is caused by bacteria.
  41. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    We can suppose, but correlation does not equal causation. It could be a really strange coincidence, the antibiotics could have done something that alleviated something that made her feel better and she cleaned her face more often, so many odd possibilities, it could also be bacterial, but it’s been going on for quite some time and I’d say she has a crap immune system if she couldn’t work it out on her own after a year. Going to keep looking in to it, but the antibiotic eye ointment didn’t do the trick and it could be the wrong abx to kick whatever this is, or it could just not be bacterial.
    Marje and Gracie likes this.
  42. Marje and Gracie

    Marje and Gracie Senior Member Moderator

    May 30, 2010
    Yes...they would have. Gracie had that gorgeous red belly, too, and loved belly rubs.
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