? 12/19 Freckles AMPS 265, 239 @+4 numbers consistent whether it's 2u or 4u of insulin

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Judy and Freckles, Dec 19, 2019.

  1. Judy and Freckles

    Judy and Freckles Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2019
    Last post

    Does anyone else have a 'flat' yellow spreadsheet like Freckles even after doubling the insulin dose?

    I've gone through everything that I'm doing and can't seem to figure out if I'm doing something wrong or not but I would think there should be SOME change after doubling the insulin dose?

    If someone can see what I'm doing wrong, or should be doing, please, please point it out!

    -insulin is in fridge (shelf, not door)
    -bought new vial and still no change
    -feeding 0-3% carbs Fancy Feast wet. No dry food at all. Now feeding 3.5 cans/day
    -snacks are freeze dried chicken pieces
    -no other health issues that I know of
    -rotating insulin injection shot sites
    -changed from Alphatrak glucometer to Freestyle Lite - numbers were lower right at the change, but that is a given
    -tried a different Freestyle Lite glucometer - no difference
    -used test solution on testing strips - testing strips are good
    -tested blood sample on civvies - all normal
    -tested my own blood - normal
    -feeding small meals throughout the day - using timed feeder (Freckles sleeps beside the feeder so the civvies don't get her food)
    -testing strips are not expired
    -testing about 4 times/day during workweek, more on the weekend (I start holidays on Saturday so more testing is in the works)
    -insulin administration every 12 hours (+- 15 minutes)
    -using Vaseline on testing ear to create a blood drop
    -baby latches on all food cupboards in the house
    -does not go outside
    -24/7 access to water (bowl and fountain)
    -multiple toys (Freckles is a couch potato most of the time though)
    -Using Lantus insulin and BD Ultra-Fine II Insulin Syringe (u-100)
    -using calipers, magnifying light visor, and light box to double check syringe dosage
    -has gained back the weight she lost over summer. Weight is maintained at about 10 lbs (she gets weighed weekly using a baby/toddler scale)
    -going in for dental cleaning in January (some tartar on molars)
    -new lancets and needle every time used
    -no keytones - ever
    -haircoat has improved since September (less dandruff, better kept)
    -still has a voracious appetite but no longer trying to swipe things out of my hands!

    Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.
  2. Olive & Paula

    Olive & Paula Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2015
    Sounds like your doing everything right. Just haven't reached her dose yet.

    It could be there is some glucose toxicity going on yet. That's when cats have high glucose for some time and they get use to it. If this is the case, you will eventually break through. Follow the protocol and raise dose when it states to. Anytime to miss a shot, lower dose cuz you won't be home, the shot, it affects the depot and drains it some. So you might lose some ground. So you have to get back to where you were and then some.
  3. Sienne and Gabby (GA)

    Sienne and Gabby (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Judy --

    I think you're on the right track and not doing anything wrong. Sometimes it's simply a matter of getting to the right dose. I know it's frustrating but this is a process of small steps. One of the more popular comments people make is that this is a marathon, not a sprint. Don't be so hard on yourself. (And perhaps try to have a discussion with Freckles' pancreas!)
  4. Judy and Freckles

    Judy and Freckles Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2019
    Thanks Paula and Sienne. I just wanted to list everything that I'm doing just in case there is something that I'm doing blatantly wrong. I've probably looked at 50 or so spreadsheets and can't find one that is basically plain yellow.

    How long do I keep going until I should maybe try a different insulin?
  5. Olive & Paula

    Olive & Paula Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2015
    I don't know if there's a typical time limit. I personally think 6 months at least as long as everything else (lc food, no dry food, no skipping shots etc.) is very consistent. However, I knew lantus wasn't right with Ollie very early and switched.
  6. Judy and Freckles

    Judy and Freckles Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2019
    Thanks Paula. How did you know?
  7. Judy and Freckles

    Judy and Freckles Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2019
    So with cats like Freckles, who are flat curve basically all the time, when they do get the right dose, does the curve typically stay flat blue or does bouncing occur?
  8. Olive & Paula

    Olive & Paula Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2015
    First let me say, I adopted Ollie from Canada. She was found in a dumpster, so there is no history on her. She was started on lantus only a few days before she arrived here.

    After arrival and settling in, she just didn't look or act well. And I knew something more was going on. It was more symptoms of what we didn't know at the time vs type of insulin. Giving her lantus was like giving her water. There was no reaction to it. She was getting more lethargic and sicker and knew something had to change. Vet would not script lev and wanted to use vetsulin instead or use R only, which I said no to. So while looking for lev without a script from reliable sources, it was suggested to increase faster with help of more experienced members, since I was experienced with FD and home all the time. With the lantus schedule increased it still didn't do anything for her, I started having tests done. She was not responding to lantus and getting sicker. Found some lev, it started working right away. But she ended up needing higher than normal dose. 4 months later we found out about the acro. So switching was a good choice even if we didn't know it at the time.

    So there really wasn't anything particular. I just knew.

    ETA: with my 1st cat I was scared stiff of TR and wouldn't do it. With Ollie I just knew that's what we had to do, and when we modified it, it didn't bother me at all. It needed to be done.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2019
  9. Judy and Freckles

    Judy and Freckles Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2019
    Thanks for the explanation Paula. Poor Ollie... had a rough life in Canada. It just infuriates me how some people view pets, especially cats, as disposable! What a lucky girl to have ended up with you! Did you have a 2018 spreadsheet of her numbers? Just curious what it looked like. Looks like she is having a good day today!:cat:

    I have seen improvements with Freckles since starting Lantus, so I'm thinking she's getting something out of it: she's gained her weight back; her dandruff has cleared up; she's not stealing toast out of the toaster anymore; I notice high numbers when I do a fur shot.
  10. Olive & Paula

    Olive & Paula Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2015
    All the signs your seeing are improvements. I love the toast stealing.

    If you open Ollie's ss at the bottom of the screen you will see a 2018 tab, click that.
  11. Marje and Gracie

    Marje and Gracie Senior Member Moderator

    May 30, 2010
    We’ve absolutely had cats whose SSs look like this. I was searching to post for you but the ones I could remember right off the bat had SSs that were no longer available.

    A few years ago, we did SSs through google sheets but then they no longer allowed custom templates so that’s when I had to change our SSs and how we make them. At that time, a lot of the older SSs became unavailable.

    Be patient...keep increasing per the TR protocol.

    And, yes, some cats do better on 6-10% calories from carbs. Those are cats that tend to dive and bounce. Also, we usually say six months on an insulin before you switch. Hang in there!
  12. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    We have also seen cats that were flat and pink forever. Yellow is better. :rolleyes: Also remember, insulin is a hormone, not a drug. You don’t necessarily add a bit more and see a bit more improvement. Instead, you just keep improving until you find a dose that starts to move them. One day that will be Freckles.
    Marje and Gracie likes this.

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