11/23 Jack amps 239 +2 306(4r) +5 192 +6 153

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by saltycat, Nov 23, 2016.

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  1. saltycat

    saltycat Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2016
    Yesterday condo with auto feeder video

    A nice yellow start for Jack, who immediately decided the food was good and a pink was in order, pretty typical food bump for him. With a little R and some time for the lev to kick in he should have a nice yellow day with a chance of blue.

    Debating on if I want to shave his dose a little for tomorrow or not since he will get a +4 test then nothing till pmps. Right now the plan is to play it by ear on the lev and skip any R.

    Round 3 of the autofeeder wars went to guy with 2 thumbs:D Jack 2 Human 1! We will see if he gives up on it or is just formulating a new plan. I don't trust him, so he must be on the phone with Osha and the other experts on how to get past the latest feeder defenses.

    Safe travels for all the beans and those taking kitties.
  2. saltycat

    saltycat Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2016
    OH MAN, this video has me howling and has a strong resemblance to how Jack eats. Bury the head and don't come up till you can't breathe.

    Vyktors Mum and carfurby (GA) like this.
  3. Doodles & Karen

    Doodles & Karen Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2015
    Funny video and congrats on outsmarting the cat! Take the 1 win as a good sign. Tonight will be the 6th cycle since those greens but they appeared to be R influenced. If it were me I'd skip R tonight and of course tomorrow but decide on the dose later or even tomorrow morning.

    Ok Jack...down buddy, there's nothing good up there.
  4. saltycat

    saltycat Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2016
    Good thought on skipping any R tonight, hadn't thought of that.

    He is on a mission today. While I like the good numbers, we are pumping the brakes a bit since he is dropping faster then I would like and with the IAA he tends to drop later in the cycle. He just got his thanksgiving day a little early, a little piece of ham with a drop of syrup along with his normal midday snack to slow the drop down a bit.

    Not sure if he is getting more sensitive to the R insulin, or he is just having one of those days. Sometimes he goes up on the R, sometimes he comes down.... He can be one confusing cat.
  5. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    I hope Jack slows down his drop and surfs safely for you tonight and tomorrow. Hopefully he won't figure out the autofeeder. Hilarious video.
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