02/17/2020 Salem PMPS 124

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Tina and Salem, Feb 17, 2020.

  1. Tina and Salem

    Tina and Salem Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2019

    ood Morning

    oh Boy ! Salem must have got a fur shot ! He’s sugar never went down last night . I increased he’s dosage this morning . I hope we can get him back on board again . He was doing so good too ? I really messed things up now !

    Only thing I can think of is I read on a human yu can get these hard painful hard fatty tissues to build up when you shot from the same place all the time I forgot what they call it lithophroy something like that I have to look it up again and I will respell it . So I have been shooting in different areas on him so not to give these painful knots and when I did it I must of did a fur shot ! Some areas from the chart where to shot in a cat is more difficult to shot at . Plus have you noticed if you have shot other areas it’s harder to make that peak and if the cat is laying sideways not on his belly the skin is tighter too it’s less to pick up or harder to pick the skin up to make that peak .
    I can only hope he goes back down in the next few hours . It’s been ten cycles so I went and increased back to two units . I think since my one drop meter is messing up I startedd to test them on both meters . I think it’s affecting one drops test results too . So until I get the new meter setup on Tuesday I will be using my relion meter .

    I hope everyone has a great day !

    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
  2. Tina and Salem

    Tina and Salem Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2019
    Oh boy I hope this hasn’t messed up his ketones too ! He’s not suppose to miss his insulin ! He’s been DKA for those who dnt know Salems history !
  3. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    We don't increase the dose based on the PS numbers. Salem's nadirs has been in the 50s. That dosen't really give you room for an increase. Please monitor carefully today. With a fur shot a cat normally gets back on track in a couple of cycles. We don't increase the dose for fur shots either. It's not safe. :bighug::bighug::bighug:
  4. Olive & Paula

    Olive & Paula Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2015
    Of laying on side, you don't have to peak as you put it. If using short needle, just shoot straight in.
    Tina and Salem likes this.
  5. Tina and Salem

    Tina and Salem Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2019
    Salem didn’t do too bad today . He got some treats right before he’s pmp . lol I think they make hes sugar go up a little but he loves them and he just looks when the other cats get them too like he’s saying ...can I have some too please ?
  6. Sonia & Leo

    Sonia & Leo Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2018
    I'm glad you got the call Tina, it sounds like you got everything sorted out. I hope your new meter gets in tomorrow and there are no issues with it.
    I hope you and Salem have a great evening! :)

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