01/10 - Freckles - AMPS 313 - Dental done and first impressions with the Freestyle Libre

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Judy and Freckles, Jan 10, 2020.

  1. Judy and Freckles

    Judy and Freckles Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2019
    Last post

    Dental is done. Initially went in for scaling and polishing but after xrays it was determined that resorption was occurring in 3 teeth, so they were extracted. Freckles is being a little trooper and is acting normal and jumping onto counters like nothing ever happened.

    I will get the blood test results tomorrow but the vet did say that Freckles was slightly anemic (just out of the average range)

    The vet also applied the Freestyle Libre to Freckles. I was quite excited to see how this thing works, and it is pretty slick. The directions recommend to use a test strip with the Libre to check accuracy against the interstitial number and make sure every thing is working properly but I currently don't have a compatible test strip. Instead, I compared a blood droplet reading with my Freestyle Lite to the reading on the Libre. There was a 117 point spread with the Freestyle Lite monitor reading lower (196) and the Libre reading at 313.

    Now, granted the Libre is measuring interstitial fluid rather than blood; and the Libre takes an average over the last 10 minutes (it reads every minute), I don't think there should be this kind of a difference. So, obviously things aren't jiving. Given that it was a hectic day and the vet used 3 different devices to test blood glucose (his blood machine, Alphatrac and the Freestyle Libre), today's numbers on my spreadsheet are not very telling. Freckles was not very cooperative giving up any blood for the vet and assistants so they tested her after she was sedated - but more in likely she got very worked up fighting to keep her little blood droplet to herself and the Alphatrac number is stress induced.

    I would really like to be able to trust the Libre's numbers but until then, I will still do some earpricks. I did phone Abbott the other day to ask about the Freestyle Lite monitor giving a very low reading when there is a tiny blood droplet and Abbott is sending me another monitor. @Mimis mom may be interested in knowing about Abbott replacing my meter.

    So I know comparing monitors will make a person crazy (I have read enough about that on this forum!) but I'm hesitant at this point to rely on the Libre since it's reading so much higher.
    Mimis mom and Marje and Gracie like this.
  2. Marje and Gracie

    Marje and Gracie Senior Member Moderator

    May 30, 2010
    I’m really glad the dental went well and she’s back home. I’ll be interested in how you think she does with the monitor attached. I can’t imagine my Lil Stinka, Gracie, tolerate it :p
    Mimis mom likes this.
  3. Judy and Freckles

    Judy and Freckles Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2019
    Thanks Marje. I had been putting a halter on and off of Freckles for about a week now to her use to having something on her. She seems to be totally ignoring it right now, so that is a definite bonus. I'm thinking she is just so glad to be home and with someone she knows. The vet/assistant couldn't even get her in her kennel. She's a little tiger under that tuxedo outfit for sure! ;)
    Marje and Gracie and Mimis mom like this.
  4. Marje and Gracie

    Marje and Gracie Senior Member Moderator

    May 30, 2010
    Oh but she’s darling!!!
    Judy and Freckles likes this.
  5. Mimis mom

    Mimis mom Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2019
    Oh so they said that shouldn’t have happened with the freestyle lite? I’ve stopped retesting because I was starting to make myself nuts. I’ll only do that if the number is very low.
    Interested to know how Libre works for you! I was thinking about that but if the readings are that off from each other I would be worried when she hits lower numbers. Did they say that was normal to be that far off in the reading? What do mean compatible test strip with the libre?
  6. Judy and Freckles

    Judy and Freckles Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2019
    I had called Abbott prior to getting the Libre so I will have to call again about the discrepancy between the Libre and Freestyle Lite.

    The Libre monitor has a place where you can insert a regular blood drop test strip (see the picture below - it's the blue thing on the bottom of the monitor) but of course you have to buy these test strips. You would think they might include maybe 1 test strip in the kit so you can check consistency between using the sensor and using a blood droplet??? Nope!
  7. Mimis mom

    Mimis mom Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2019
    Right- freestyle and Abbott know how to rob you blind! Or it’s more like for the insurance companies and the forget animals and people that are uninsured still need their products... SMH
  8. Crista & Ming

    Crista & Ming Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2018
    The first 24 hours may give you some wonky numbers (I've heard). However, the first ever reading I got from Ming, an hour after it was placed, was essentially the same number as the number I got on my OneTouch Ultra 2. You can view Ming's Libre vs. OT numbers in his 2019 SS in July.

    Where was the Libre placed btw?
    Si am cat mom likes this.
  9. Sonia & Leo

    Sonia & Leo Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2018
    Good girl!! Don't let them push you around Freckles!! ;)
    I'm so happy to hear the dental went well. Have a great weekend Judy!!
  10. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    I'm glad Freckles' dental went well.
    Judy and Freckles likes this.
  11. Judy and Freckles

    Judy and Freckles Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2019
    Thanks Crista. It's been over 24 hours and still getting a range anywhere from 5.3-7.3 points world (95-131 points U.S.) difference from when I tested with Freestyle Lite immediately. I picked up some Precision blood drop strips (the reader for the Libre reads these strips) and there was a 3.1 point (56 point U.S.) difference. Of course the Canadian Freestyle Libre customer support is closed on the weekend and the US people would only say that there should not be that big of difference between the Libre and Freestyle Lite. I'll be calling the Canadian office on Monday. So unfortunately, the numbers on the Libre are not at all helpful except for looking at trends. :banghead:

    In the middle of Freckles' back behind the shoulder blades (essentially the same as in the picture below).Freckles isn't bothered by it at all.

    Sonia & Leo likes this.

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